Seb has been cut off from his money by his parents.
We are in the area between The Venn and the City.
We stay at The Palace and wait for the riots in the slums to quiet down.
We notice a police officer with a name badge called Miller and a police number. She warns us of the danger in the slums beofre heading in.
Heading in we notice a few slummers who engage us in combat
We learn that 'El Gordo' sent the crew. After attempting to stab one of the members, I find they have a dead apparence of flesh and moprohone appears to do nothing to them.
Josephine says 'El Gordo' has a message for Seb,
I get the tag for the yellow puffer jacket
After disposing the zombie man, I do a medical check and notice a heavily orgmented man and necro cybernetics. Same as the people we found at the basment.