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Tue 5th Jul 2022 01:31

Chapter Five: X-Factor

by EVE

  • I mention to Xang about the chance to have NuYou. She declines the offer and suggests that perhaps Songbird might want it.

  • We have a converstaion with Ugly who goes into shutdown mode after mentioning the Clemists family. He moves into his room with Johnny in pursuit.

  • We have a converstaion with Tilda and we suggest finding someone who has nothing left to loose. I decide to go scout the slums to find potentional candiates.

  • Pr0 talks to Songbird about the potentional of NuYou. She seems keen on NuYou but causes a moral delemia.

  • We disscuss NuYou with Songbird, Seb convinces her is a bad idea while Pr0 thinks she should take it. We wait for her answer.

  • After Seb and Ugly talk they agree that Songbird is the cannidate we need as long as we can ensure that she stays the same. Songbird agrees to the decision.