Tue 14th Jun 2022 01:27
Seb and the crew return back to Uglies bar, harmed but alive.
I am severly damaged and Incongerent offers me asstance to make me better.
Incongerent tells Pr0 that he needs to influtrate the NinYao facilty in order to recieve multiple copies of myself for back up purposes.
Ingoncrant tells me when Ugly dies he wants to travel the stars.
I tell Ugly about my Monster Truck Wheelchair businesss prop
Rags has caused a lot of issues since running for the election.
We try to recall what happned the day prior, I mention the cybermancer and how we should track her- as well as the doctor.
I mention Riely to Pr0 and ask who she is, he doesnt answer me but tell him im willing to listen