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Tue 6th Sep 2022 11:23

Chaper Ten: Body Parts and Bloody Starts

by EVE

  • We cross the river and make our way to our destination.

  • On the way, we find a shanty town with some members who are infected with something.

  • Various body parts covered in boils and appear terminal. I cannot interview anyone, but find evidence of someone feeding them and putting them here to die.
  • Pr0 goes the Dutchess to meet with 'Possum'

  • Seb and I go to the Jazz Club to steakout

  • Pr0 manages to get Possum to come with us

  • Seb and I notice a side door, ganger with a puffy beard hand over a styrofoam container to a person with medical gloves.

  • After talking to Possum, we learn he has a tracking device that he can plant on Joseph in the Jazz Club

  • Possum asks me why my friends are so mean

  • Pr0 sees a female in an alley wrentching in pain, she notices a growth inside here and I go to investigate.

  • I operate best as I can on her and notice her kidney is infecting her body completly. I remove as much of the growth as I can to get her stable- but she requires major surgery to save her life. I stay with her till she removers and we can get her to Possums.