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Tue 17th Oct 2023 07:58

Field Report

by Talia Everlore

I am pleased to report that our first expedition as Journeymen into the Skyruin known as Snake Temple has been a success.
The group was faced with numerous challenges that they managed to overcome with their teamwork and quick wits. Thankfully there are no casualties to be reported, but the close calls had been plentiful enough to remind the team of their mortality and how the ruins are no game,especially the deeper one gets.
Thus I would formally request access to medicinal and surgical studies and equipment,moving forwards.
Last time I was eaten by a snake,that's all I very much cared about. My dress is all messed up but nothing I cannot fix,but there's catching up to do now!
The snake temple was indeed a sight to behold,the colours and designs of it hidden behind a black veil most of the time. It was nice noticing the intricate mosaic designs of the ceiling,which were so vibrant and blue!
Shurr shared the deepest meaning of the temple's name with us,as they know primordial better than anyone else in this team, and when you Talk about the Snake,you're also talking about what a snake represents. Like being stealthy and lying- Poor little things have such bad reputation because of some bad eggs. Yunseul's little winged serpent friend looks absolutely adorable and like an honest sweetheart! We should stop being so quick to judge-- Unless they are branded with corruption markings. Then we judge quickly.
Back to the temple exploration!!!
BIG GOLDEN LIGHT ROCK??? IT WAS ACTUALLY SHADOW! The whole temple was actually a Shadow Titan tribute disguised as Earth's. Our Yunseul was brave enough to step into that shadow and they seemed to be able to tame it. What a cool person they are! We are lucky to have them in our team! Along that crystal there were some interesting looking items that the group decided to keep! I hope we put them in good use if we don't return them to the guild!
BUT THEN THEN THEN! We went lower down the temple and we found a very beautiful place with a huge pool of water and there was a platform of that pool that you could walk up to,yes? And there was a sarcophagus and some chests and oH THIS IS GETTING EXCITING! Also I may be teasing Ed a lot but I am so happy he is around. As long as he lives chivalry will not die. My sweet boy carried me over the waters! BUT I'M GETTING DISTRACTED-
Curiosity took the better of us and we wanted to sneak a peek into that sarcophagus,right? WELL- Lid flew off-hit me in the nose-nothing is broken thankfully. We came face to face with "Seraphis the Avenger"! EXCITING,YES?
Well,Shurr had a moment to look over the sarcophagus's writings and paintings and explained to us the Avenger's story. And first we attempted to fight it,still pumped up with adrenaline, but seeing Shurr talk to them felt right.
I too collected myself,feeling the spirit's distress and whirlwind of emotions. They were only protecting their crypt,their temple. Even after their honorable passing they had no chance to rest peacefully as the temple they laid in was invaded. We all talked to them, and by the end of it they ceased their attacks. I wanted nothing more than being able to speak with the spirits at that time. I wanted to be able to talk to them and comfort them more.
We reached a mutual understanding that whatever was in the next-and final- room, was what held Seraphis' bound and resentful but also it held the key to our final push to learn the Temple's secrets.
Well,not to bore you much with the fight,it was exhausting! I even had to set Passion free as at attempt to be barely able to damage that monster of a creature,but----- WITH TEAMWORK AND DETERMINATION!!! We once again are victorious! Also,getting hit by a giant snake's tail really can hurt. It had knocked the air out of me but precious baby Eddyman helped me up. Though he could've been a bit more gentle and not treat me like a misbehaving kitten,but beggars can't be choosers.
Well...Seraphis has now been Avenged,their spirit free to rest. I feel like that was the best reward I could get from this expedition. I hope we will be able to make more spirits free and happy and give them the chance they'd been seeking to rest.
And now I returned home with a new cute statue and rocks and crystals! Time to build a small shrine out of all of them!
Much love, Talia!