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Tue 3rd Oct 2023 09:44

Entering The Snake Temple

by Talia Everlore

This sky island is truly breathtaking. So full of life,overtaken by nature and beasts. I wonder how many more of them are like this and if somewhere in the wilderness there is a hidden civilization. Imagine the breakthrough of such a discovery! ALL THE THINGS WE COULD UNVEIL AND LEARN AND SHARE!!! I'm getting too excited-woops! But that snake temple is really living up to its name. Everything being serpent themed and had unique writings across all surfaces and little funny drawings- Even they had the entrance look like a snake's mouth! Simply amazing! Being an adventurer of this kind is exciting..I really like it~
It was quite interesting getting into the temple too. We had to do a little dance around a moving shield on the floor while another snake statue was stalking us. That last part made me feel...uneasy, but oh well! I know nothing too spooky is around because Shurr was kind enough to add one of their crystals on my dress so I can notice is something creep up on us! And honestly, I feel like I need that as "You have the attention span of a bird"...Is it an insult? Is it a compliment? Is it because I like shiny things that make noise?
SPEAKING OF SHINY!!! We fought some corrupted guardians. The spirits were confused but were following instructions. I hope they now can find some peace after doing their job. We can't be mad at them now,can we? Lee ended up looking around their remains for stuff! He found lots of things,hopefully some nice artifacts or little trinkets that will help us understand the ones that were here before us or a nice fancy rock. We all like rocks here! Rocks look nice,I wish I was a shiny rock on a stream at a sunny day.
It was so great seeing everyone in our battle! Battles? We fought again later but for now I will focus on the entrance fight with those poor guardians! They looked interesting,like snakes. I couldn't make out if it was them or just the rock around them that gave them the serpent like features. COOL NONETHELESS!
Eduard seems pleased with our performance so far. Everyone is working together amazingly well! I provide light and magic,Lee makes sure we all stay safe, Yunseul's advice is always the best and Shurr's excitement and positivity keeps things lively! So so fun~
So-! Stepping into the temple we are met with a rather beautiful entry way,which was also very dangerous! We decided I should have my ethereal hand do some sketchy work for us. It's not really sketchy but I wanted to say that word anyway. We had to again dance around a specific path! These snake fans really like puzzles...that can kill you...cause if you stepped wrong you'd get spiked...not my favourite way to go honestly :( But worry not! I am here,so it all went very smoothly~
Once we passed that we went down a very beautiful staircase and the more we walked, the more around beautiful nature we were ,and!!!!!!!!! I miss home already. But that other room was very nice and bright with more guardians there! And they were praying to someone or something, I think it was that big golden rock.
We spent some time trying to figure a way to pass by them without alerting them cause we'd like to avoid some conflict but Lee run into them. It was...truly a sigh to behold and an experience alright!
Shurr attempted to talk to them but their attitude wasn't as pleasant and I noticed they were getting a bit hostile,so I let Edy know. And as expected he was ready to fight and save "HIS BOY" ,aka Lee, x3!!! With no time to waste, I closed the distance and went to offer support to Shurr,Yunseul and Lee. Eduard became a menace,jumping from guardian to guardian and knocking them down in one hit! And seeing the others also do the same filled me with pride and joy!!What a wonderful group~
One of the guardians,the one standing in the golden light,was the hardest one we had faced yet! LITERALLY. They had rock armor on! These Earth Law users are amazing..and scary. Lee,Yunseul and Eduard all gather around them and attacking them,I rushed as close as I could,Shurr providing ranged support with their longbow. Unfortunately Eduard was hit by that Warden's sword and it E X P L O D E D. Sweet Yunseul and Lee were in blast radius and got veeery badly injured but heY! I WAS THERE.THIS IS OKAY. PRAISED BE THE LIGHT TITAN AND THEIR KINDNESS AND PURIFYING LIGHT,RIGHT??? Thankfully they seemed to heal up quickly and nicely moments later. With Shurr's final draw of their longbow,the arrow flew true and hit it's target,making the last standing Guardian of this room crumble to the floor!
And now we are also sitting on the floor cause that was exhausting. I feel like I am overusing my gifts,but it is worth it if it is to keep everyone safe.
I can't wait to see what more is to come!