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Tue 16th Apr 2024 06:53

Dr Robins.

by Talia Everlore

It was unfortunate but Dr Robins didn't want to be talked down, or at least a side of him didn't. It pained me seeing that man suffering and being in such a turmoil...Even for his son, the something that he and his gone wife still have left...It was scary and sad. Hopefully we will get some good help for him and for his son. I wonder if there's someone to look after the boy. We can't possibly let him all alone...Would that be overstepping? We have already gotten ourselves too involved, so we might as well see this to the complete end. I am not leaving until I am ABSOLUTELY sure he will be fine and safe and with the care he needs and deserves >:(
IF NEED BE I WILL BECOME HIS GUARDIAN. If no one else is there and if that's okay with him of course!
But we did end up fighting the doctor...And well...I honestly don't want to be nowhere near fire for a while...Flarethorn is official at the bottom of my 'Location worth touring' list. I am covered in a bunch of burns and cuts and it all hurts too much and tomorrow I will be sore and just- URGH- Remind me why I chose this path again?? Actually don't answer that- I'm just frustrated and tired...I really couldn't do anything again...these fights keep getting harder and harder, and now we need to deal with fighting people that turn themselves into corrupted creatures!
Everyone is so brave and strong while I try like a fool to keep the danger at bay with my dumb ideas of speaking people out of it and it never works- I hardly question the choices of the Elements or spirits but...
OH HEY! We found an arcane book on the doctor! Could be useful! Will give it a look later thought. Time to put all those private lessons and late night studies to a good use! How I miss these days... If it has anything of importance I will reach out,so expect a message soon!
Despite it all, we brought the doctor down and his construction...Hand of God...It's huge and just...feels wrong. Fang will keep it, he seems to be able to control that thing. Poor Soot,felt like they were being replaced for a moment there but of course we would never do that! They are our favourite sweetheart! I'm sure you'll like them! Also the rest of the fire spirits were let free. Yunseul and I played some music for them and it worked in our favour! WOO LUCKY! Also Roaches took a liking to Eepy. Eepy is such a sweet spirit! I expected everyone to love it!
I think...that is most of it for now...I really want to go back home...I miss everyone.
Send my regards to Sy.