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Wed 6th Dec 2023 02:16

The Eventful Night Continues

by Talia Everlore

Our day in the Aquaveil ended almost too perfectly- Alas- We ended up fighting a giant sea sky beast. seaskibeast? seskybeast? skyabeast? HOW DO YOU EVEN CALL THEIR FUSIONS??? Anyway,that is not the point now! What I meant to say is thaaaaaaaat- NO ONE GOT HURT! Other than us,or specifically Y-Ny-Yunseul-s? One of them was Shurr.
After the main celebration was over and we came out of the catacombs everyone went their own way, which is pretty understandable! Some individuals need their personal time and I believe we will get the chance to socialize with each other more soon! But well- I went foraging for some herbs and almost got abducted by that squid which I *DID* and I cannot emphasize that enough *NOT* like or would wish to happen again. But lucky me it snatched a tree...I do not wish to think what could happen otherwise.
Well, thank the Light Titan and their powers, I had the chance to strike it once and the beam worked as a signal for the rest! AND THUS THE BATTLE BEGUN! -Add cool music here-
I personally could only focus on one of its tentacles and from what I was told Soot focused on the main body. They managed to bring it down into the sea,thankfully! They are so skillful :3 , and Xui Mei and the elders were able to redirect the impact's wave far from the village. That would...have been bad...Poor Xui Mei,maybe this brought back bad memories. I should check on her.
At some point it disappeared! And it was because of Yunseul's shadow elemental powers! They are so incredibly strong despite their looks! Also Lee and Shurr were able to get more hits in and protect the rest of the people! We are such a great team and I feel so much safer and confident with them around!
But hey-! That was...pretty exhausting so I will wrap it up here! Cheers to us!
PS: I found a pretty necklace talisman, it has faint hints of spirit power in it and I checked with the elders and I was told it's okay for me to have it! It looks great with my clothes as well! But that is all! See you again soon.