Spring 1880

Arrival in Novandria

by Lukas SkyBound

There was no gate to speak of as I entered the city. Perhaps at one point it had a wall and gate, but if so it like was gone, or the city has expanded beyond it. From what I had seen of this land so far there wasn’t much need for it.
I checked on the donkey I had purchased and the containers I had attached to it. A few personal items I felt safe bringing, and a portion of my wealth were stored inside. From what I had learned it should be enough to establish myself here. If not, I could always go back for more. No. I didn’t need to. I was good enough that even in these lands I could prosper. I had a plan and I would make it successful.
Moving into the city I quickly realized I wouldn’t be able to find my way, and started to look around carefully for the right person. There were a few people that I recognized it was best to avoid, but eventually I found someone at the edge of a market who my instincts told me I could trust. Though I lost much, those I had kept, and they were my most valuable thing.
“Excuse me Miss.” I said in a way of greetings, “I’m new here and need a guide. I was recommended to visit The Daily Lily Inn. Would you know about it and be willing to guide me there for a fee?” I pulled out a few coins. I had exchanged some wealth for local currency prior to arriving in town to make things smoother. Though much of my wealth would still need to be dealt with.
She studied me for a moment, as she finished packing up the instrument she had been playing. “Sure, I know the place. Guide there and nothing else?” She asked. It took me a moment to process what she meant, and then nod, “Yes.” As a gesture of trust I offered her the coins up front. She seemed surprised at me doing so, and perhaps at the amount. Perhaps I had overpaid, I have to figure that out.
It took us about half an hour to make it to the in. At first she was quiet but she slowly started to open up and talk. She was an interesting person and seemed to know a lot about the city. By the time we reached the Inn I had made a decision.
“Thank you for the information about the city and for guiding me. If you're free tomorrow and willing, I’d like to hire your services again to show me around town. I am planning to live here and have a lot to learn.”
She paused considering the offer and I decided to sweeten the offer, “If you're here an hour after dawn I’ll throw in breakfast? I hear this place has a good spread.” Her stomach rumbled and she blushed but agreed.


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  1. Creation
    March 14, 1884
  2. A bit of Music
    March 18th, 1884
  3. Garden Chimes
    March 23, 1884
  4. One Small Step
    April 1, 1884
  5. Into the Air
    April 22, 1884
  6. Arrival in Novandria
    Spring 1880
  7. First Night in Novandria
    Spring 1880
  8. First Guild Visit
    March 12th, 1880
  9. Becoming a Citizen
    April 18th, 1880