Spring 1880

First Night in Novandria

by Lukas SkyBound

I sit there staring at the ceiling willing myself to fall to sleep without success. I’ve stayed in more places than I care to count, run by all kinds of different people, so why am I having trouble sleeping?
With a sigh I stretch preparing to get up, and freeze as it comes to me. I don’t feel comfortable. I haven’t felt right in my skin since I first arrived. The thought causes me to sigh in frustration. There is nothing I can do right now about my situation. Even if I could… would I really want to? I consider that for a bit before coming to the conclusion that it wouldn’t change much.
I’m under some restrictions here, and I don’t have access to everything I’d like, but that has been true of many places I’ve been. It’s simply a new challenge and certainly a lot of new opportunities. There is so much I could learn here. My discomfort starts to fade as my mind starts to see again the possibilities.
With a yawn I snuggled in and started to drift off. Tomorrow there will be breakfast, and then exploring this city with my new guide. Who knows where that will lead?

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  1. Creation
    March 14, 1884
  2. A bit of Music
    March 18th, 1884
  3. Garden Chimes
    March 23, 1884
  4. One Small Step
    April 1, 1884
  5. Into the Air
    April 22, 1884
  6. Arrival in Novandria
    Spring 1880
  7. First Night in Novandria
    Spring 1880
  8. First Guild Visit
    March 12th, 1880
  9. Becoming a Citizen
    April 18th, 1880