April 22, 1884

Into the Air

by Lukas SkyBound

Lukas looked around the small cave to make sure everything was well. Nothing they were doing should go badly, but they’d rather be certain. Any use of powerful energy can have negative consequences, and they were concerned about this one.
Mentally they went over the check list. They’d left detailed instructions about how they wanted their property to be handled in case they didn’t return. If things explode the cave should contain the blast and redirect it away from any population center. If they didn’t check in by the end of tomorrow, an anonymous request and payment would be made to the adventurer's guild. It would report strange magical activity and request it be investigated. The last was least likely, but leaving an open rift in the world could be bad. They taken the time to even research which groups had experience with such things and include a preference for them in the request form.
They were stalling and they knew it. It had been years since they tried, and they didn’t know how well they would take it if they failed again. To work so hard to regain things.. shaking their heads they realized they were still stalling.
Taking a deep breath, they focus inward. Finding the spark, they knew was there but had trouble accessing it. Feeling the edges of it, they attempted to use the amulet they made to unlock it. Instinctively they start to reach up to grab the amulet but stop themselves. Bad habits, they didn’t need to grasp it to use it.
The amulet allowed them to understand the harmonics better. The more they focused, the clearer things became. Part of them wanted to jump for joy, no matter what else happened, they had made progress. But stopping now would be too much, too much risk, and too much regret of giving up. Instead, they move forward.
Carefully they shaped power with their will. Creating the proper patterns and feeding it their intent. The process should take moments, but they went slowly to make sure they were careful. They could afford the extra time now. It would make future uses easier, uses in which seconds could mean their life.
They filled their minds with a place, somewhere they paid dearly to learn as many details about it as possible. They pushed and vanished with a soft pop.
The next minute they were falling through the air. Their destination was off to their right, a floating island, known as Aeris Island. The island is lush with vegetation, and its own gravity keeps everything in place. On the top of the island, there is a bustling tavern, filled with the sounds of laughter and clinking glasses. The Nervous Crow is a popular spot for travelers and crews, who come to share stories and rest before continuing their journeys.
On the bottom side of the island, there is a large warehouse known as Aeris Port. The warehouse is used to store goods and supplies and is an important hub for trade. Despite its location on the underside of the island, the warehouse is easily accessible thanks to the island's gravity.
Lukas continued to fall for a bit as they simply blinked. Then activating his boots, stopped in midair. Looking around they took in the area. They’d done it. They were certain this was the Plane of Air. They could see shapes of things off in the distance, but nothing else was nearby.
A weight fell off their shoulders. They had a bit more hope now. Looking back at the tavern they decided that a drink would be a good idea. With an effort of will they started to head that way. They would explore more later, after they’d bought a few rounds, and gathered more information from the locals.

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  1. Creation
    March 14, 1884
  2. A bit of Music
    March 18th, 1884
  3. Garden Chimes
    March 23, 1884
  4. One Small Step
    April 1, 1884
  5. Into the Air
    April 22, 1884
  6. Arrival in Novandria
    Spring 1880
  7. First Night in Novandria
    Spring 1880
  8. First Guild Visit
    March 12th, 1880
  9. Becoming a Citizen
    April 18th, 1880