March 18th, 1884

A bit of Music

by Lukas SkyBound

Something broke Lukas from his meditation. They looked around their small room and couldn’t figure out what it was. Looking at the time they decided to get up.
After getting dressed they made their way into the workshop with the intention to spend time working on their elemental Bastion plans. They stopped however at the door, confused by the sight. There was Bernard at the workbench, working on… pipes. No, they were the makings of a wind chime Lukas realized.
“Bernard, what are you doing?” Lukas asked approaching to take a closer look.
Bernard turned to stare at him for a moment, and then started to gesture to the wind chime. Making small hand movements to illustrate their use.
“Why are you working on this Bernard?” Lukas asked confused. Bernard shrugged in return.
Lukas sighed in frustration. Most of the time Bernard seem to be simply a mechanical, but now and then Lukas would see something that made him wonder. Lukas started to turn in search of coffee but stopped suddenly. Looking back to the table, Lukas realized that there were materials here that hadn’t been present when he went to meditate.
“Bernard, where did this come from.” Lukas asked while indicating one of the pipes.
Bernard made some gestures and generally indicated downstairs. Lukas again decided they need to ether figure out why Bernard’s voice system didn’t work or teach some form of sign language. “We’re going to work on sign language today.” Lukas said deciding, “But first I want to understand what going on.”
Making their way to the first floor, Lukas flagged down one of the staff, “Morning Coleen, do you know anything about the pipes got to delivered to my workshop?”
“A bit. Marty got them at the request of Bernard. Was there a problem with them? Marty just went off shift, but I can send someone else if there an issue with them.”
Lukas blinked. “Bernard requested them?” He asked for confirmation from Coleen while turning to look at Bernard.
“Yes, that is not a problem, is it?” Coleen asked. “We assumed that you had asked him to request them?”
Lukas cocked his head slightly thinking, “Coleen, can you describe what happen in detail.”
Coleen frowned a bit, “We were cleaning the main room prior to shift change. Getting everything ready for the breakfast crowd. Bernard” She paused and indicated Bernard. “came down and asked politely for some pipes. We were mostly done so I sent Marty to run out and get them. I told Marty to have them put it on your account.”
Lukas blinked a bit, as the possibility of what happened started to make itself clear, but he had to be sure. “Coleen, when you said Bernard asked politely, you mean with his voice right?”
“Yes.” She answered slightly confused by the question. “If you don’t mind me saying so, you gave him a pretty voice. Not quiet as nice as say Cardinal, but it’s pretty. Charlotte mentioned hearing him singing the other night. She said she didn’t understand the words, but it was pretty. He’s quiet most of the time, but now and then.” She shrugs.
Lukas’s mind whirled trying to make sense of all of it. “Thank you, Coleen.” With a nod she got back to her duties.
Once more upstairs, Lukas sat in his workshop looking at Bernard. It didn’t make sense. What was going on?

Continue reading...

  1. Creation
    March 14, 1884
  2. A bit of Music
    March 18th, 1884
  3. Garden Chimes
    March 23, 1884
  4. One Small Step
    April 1, 1884
  5. Into the Air
    April 22, 1884
  6. Arrival in Novandria
    Spring 1880
  7. First Night in Novandria
    Spring 1880
  8. First Guild Visit
    March 12th, 1880
  9. Becoming a Citizen
    April 18th, 1880