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Sat 27th Apr 2024 01:44

An unwanted task...

by Jack Hawkins

Year 1455 Date Unknown...

What have I signed up for?!

So much for a quick profit...That wretch at the inn made the job sound so easy, paddle up the river to Kormul and deliver the shipment. He was mum on the fact it's over 50 leagues to Kormul! Bastard! To make matters worse, the river flows through a decaying jungle full of all kinds of unimaginable danger. I thought he was the fool for paying so much for such a simple task, clearly I was the fool. The shipment is making me uneasy, only a single crate, and it's locked up so well, I wonder what's inside?
I've been on this blasted river nearly eight days now and there's no sign of a city or civilization in sight. The ship will be well on her way back North now, I should have never left the dock. The myriad of strange noices coming from the jungle on a night give me the creeps. Howling, screaming and worse, it's enough to keep a man on edge. I have been fortunate that my presence has so far gone unnoticed, I just hope my luck holds and I reach the city soon...