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1452 Date Unknown...

A voyages end draws near...

by Jack Hawkins

1455, Date Unknown...
Our destination marks the horizon, Captain says if the wind remains in our favour we should make the port city of Lushpool tomorrow. This is my first time seeing Southern Faérun. I look forward to seeing this "City of Shimmering Pools", and it's women. Six weeks or so we've been at sea with the threat of pirates and worse looking to seize our cargo, and no proper drink to calm my nerves. As soon as we hit the dock, I'm taking my pay and finding a tavern to fill by belly, forget my troubles, and rest my head.
I hope the wind keeps, the sooner we leave this "Sea of Swords" the better. We're supposed to have two days layover before heading back North, I hope they pass slowly for I'm in no hurry to return to the roughness of the seas. There have been stories and rumours amongst the crew of the myriad of strange creatures that call Southern Faérun home. Can they really be true? Men with huge snakelike bodies, intelligent beast creatures, and insects as tall as a man, surely such things are just stories?