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Jack Hawkins
Diamond Jack / The Sapphire Slayer

Neutral Good Human (variant) (Smuggler)
Rogue 5
Fighter 1
69 / 69 HP

Campaign & Party

Adventurers of David's Forgotten Realms

Jack Ilimahg Peepee
Run by TheGazingEye
Played by
Other characters
Thu 26th Sep 2024 09:32

Lake Lhesper and the talking Seadog!

by Jack Hawkins

1456 Date Unknown...
We made good time sailing down the underground river to Lake Lhesper. The strong currents of the river made for a bit of a nerve racking trip making sure the ship didn't get stuck on the sides of the tunnel. If we had gotten stuck the water would have washed over the bow and sunk us. I've sailed on Lake Lhesper before, trading and smuggling. The winds can pick up something fierce with it being such a large body of water. We're heading straight across the lake to some town, must be new or unimportant as it's not on the map, but Bombastus has provided a heading so on we go. Ilemahg has been quiet, I think this is possibly his first time aboard a boat and the swaying of the bow doesn't agree with him it seems. He's been at the rail chucking over all morning. That blink dog of his has behaved so far, still locked in that cage. Ilemahg must of bought it from that dealer at the Pet and Pawn. The beast doesn't show much affection for Ilemahg though, every time he goes near the dog it growls or turns away. Albert has yet to rise from below, still asleep no doubt.
The crew thus far have behaved, I was worried after taking the ship back for a second time that their allegiance wouldn't be so easily swayed but it seems it lies with the highest bidder, which at the moment is myself. I may have to look to hire new more loyal crew that isn't swayed by a purse full of coin, if i can find a port where such a crew may exist. The crossing across the lake was going swiftly until Mr Morgan on top watch started screaming. Something about a flying shark heading straight for him. By the time I looked up his chest was covered with blood, though not his back strangely enough. I climbed the rigging and steadied the man, the blood pouring from his wounds. He stumbled for a moment, looking somewhat confused before realising and admitting he may have inflicted the wounds himself. Hearing this I lost my temper somewhat and pushed him from the top watch straight over into the water below. Realising my judgement may have been in haste I called Man Over Board! and Mr Merry threw a line to retrieve the drenched and wounded deckhand. He was hauled back aboard and his wounds treated.
As Mr Morgan was brought back on board, Ilemahg spotted a small shadow dash below deck through the hatch. He seemed to think it was a rat, but I worried it was worse. Carefully heading down into the hold I saw Albert asleep in a hammock, below him was an open cage which previously held the pixie. It was free aboard the ship as I had worried. I called out to the pixie, telling it that we mean it no harm, and if it wants it's freedom that we will not impede it. Hearing quiet giggles and squeaks I remembered we can only speak to it using the book Albert had. I pushed him out the hammock, he hit the floor with a thud but did not wake and kept snoring away. I set about searching his person for the book, as I was rummaging about I decided to punish him for letting the pixie loose in such a drunken state. I took his magical bag and also Ilemahgs hat. As i was searching, that little mechanical servant of his approached. I thought for a moment that it was a sentry, but it just stood there meekly. I set Ilemahgs had upon it's metal brow, as i did a rat ran out and along the outstretched arm of the construct. In a flash it caught the rat and held it dangling by it's tail.
I opened the book and began searching for the pixie again. Speaking out to it again, stating we mean it no harm and if it wants to leave or punish Albert it's more than welcome to. As I searched the hold, the ship ground to a halt. Thinking we'd beached or hit a reef I ran topside. The pixie had summoned vines and wrapped them round the ships keel and rudder. It hovered no more than 20ft of the starboard bow giggling and laughing to itself. I pleaded with it to release the ship and leave. Upon a sudden a cannonball sailed through the air and landed at my feet. A message on the cannonball read "Is this a bad time?". A yell from Mr Anderson, "seadog off the port bow" and no sooner another cannonball flew hitting the mast. The damage was minimal, it seemed more to get our attention that an intended attack. I headed to the rail and was surprised to see a seal talking at us, yelling about some ocean going circus. It seems he was attempting to sell us some tickets. I was skeptical at first, but when I saw the pixie was enamored with the seal I decided it may be worth it to stay the pixies unpredictable magic. After some back and forth the tickets were at one platinum each. A steep price for a show, but the seal was adamant it was unlike any circus in the world.
I decided Albert should front the ticket money as penance for his poor judgement. I quickly went below deck and pilfered 10 platinum from his coin purse. Once paid we asked for a heading to the circus, the seals instruction was most strange. It said that the circus will find us and that it travels to the place where the most tickets have sold. The pixie, happy that it was invited to the circus released the ship from it's magic and promptly took seat upon my hat. I attempted to give it a job on the ship asking it to head to the top watch and keep look out. After a minute or so I noticed it had returned to my hat, it seems it's got a short attention span. So now onward to our destination and possibly a show.

Jack's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. A voyages end draws near...
    1452 Date Unknown...
  2. A loud night and a quick profit?
    21 Feb 2024 11:50:13
  3. An unwanted task...
    27 Apr 2024 01:44:03
  4. The Devil's Playground
    27 Apr 2024 11:11:32
  5. Escort to Arno-mot
    17 May 2024 11:15:44
  6. A night to try and remember!
    31 May 2024 08:30:32
  7. A morning to try and forget!
    05 Jun 2024 01:32:01
  8. A day that just kept on giving!
    31 Jul 2024 09:34:37
  9. A Tower of Traps, and an unexpected reunion!
    31 Jul 2024 11:49:11
  10. Lake Lhesper and the talking Seadog!
    26 Sep 2024 09:32:39

The major events and journals in Jack's history, from the beginning to today.

Lake Lhesper and the talking Seadog!

1456 Date Unknown... We made good time sailing down the underground river to Lake Lhesper. The strong currents of the river made for a bit of a nerve racking trip making sure the ship didn't get stuck on the sides of the tunnel. If we had gotten stuck ...

10:35 am - 26.09.2024

Lake Lhesper and The Talking Seadog!

1456 Date Unknown... We made good time sailing down the underground river to Lake Lhesper. The strong currents of the river made for a bit of a nerve racking trip making sure the ship didn't get stuck on the sides of the tunnel. If we had gotten stuck ...

10:35 am - 26.09.2024

Lake Lhesper and The Talking Seadog!

1456 Date Unknown... We made good time sailing down the underground river to Lake Lhesper. The strong currents of the river made for a bit of a nerve racking trip making sure the ship didn't get stuck on the sides of the tunnel. If we had gotten stuck ...

10:35 am - 26.09.2024

A Tower of Traps, and an unexpected reunion!

1456 Date Unknown... After rousing from a deep drunken sleep, I awoke to the smell of a fine breakfast. The tables were covered in freshly baked loves, salted meats and fine cheeses. I wasted no time plating up some food and finding a comfy chair to re...

10:34 am - 26.09.2024

Lake Lhesper and The Talking Seadog!

We made good time sailing down the underground river to Lake Lhesper. The strong currents of the river made for a bit of a nerve racking trip making sure the ship didn't get stuck on the sides of the tunnel. If we had gotten stuck the water would have was...

10:33 am - 26.09.2024

A Trip Across the Lake

We made good time sailing down the underground river to Lake Lhesper. The strong currents of the river made for a bit of a nerve racking trip making sure the ship didn't get stuck on the sides of the tunnel. If we had gotten stuck the water would have was...

10:32 am - 26.09.2024

A Tower of Traps, and an unexpected reunion!

After rousing from a deep drunken sleep, I awoke to the smell of a fine breakfast. The tables were covered in freshly baked loves, salted meats and fine cheeses. I wasted no time plating up some food and finding a comfy chair to rest in. Across the room s...

05:07 pm - 25.09.2024

A Tower of Traps, and an unexpected reunion!

After rousing from a deep drunken sleep, I awoke to the smell of a fine breakfast. The tables were covered in freshly baked loves, salted meats and fine cheeses. I wasted no time plating up some food and finding a comfy chair to rest in. Across the room s...

04:59 pm - 25.09.2024

A morning to try and forget!

Year 1456 Date Unknown... After a successful night of fighting, gambling and boozing, Ilimahg and myself awoke in some barn near the inn. Our heads fouled with a wicked hangover, we managed to stumble back to the inn for a spot of breakfast. As we sat...

03:39 pm - 31.07.2024

A night to try and remember!

Year 1456 Date Unknown... After finishing our business in the marketplace, we found a large casino in the centre of town named the Eye of the Beholder. Inside it seemed a very well set up place, with fighting rings, gaming tables, the lot! There was a...

03:38 pm - 31.07.2024

A day that just kept on giving!

1456 Date Unknown... Part 2 Upon leaving the underground of the now ruined church, we arose to find ourselves surrounded. Zombies! Must have been about 12, fully armoured and wielding crossbows, and at the centre of them a familiar looking mage. It ...

11:57 am - 31.07.2024

A voyages end draws near...

1455, Date Unknown... Our destination marks the horizon, Captain says if the wind remains in our favour we should make the port city of Lushpool tomorrow. This is my first time seeing Southern Faérun. I look forward to seeing this "City of Shimmering ...

11:55 am - 31.07.2024

An unwanted task...

Year 1455 Date Unknown... What have I signed up for?! So much for a quick profit...That wretch at the inn made the job sound so easy, paddle up the river to Kormul and deliver the shipment. He was mum on the fact it's over 50 leagues to Kormul! Ba...

11:55 am - 31.07.2024

The Devil's Playground

Year 1456 Mid Summertide It's been over a year since I arrived in Southern Faerûn. I've had my ups and my downs since coming here but I've managed to survive. I managed to find that city after 10 days on the river. Kormul, this place really is the dev...

11:54 am - 31.07.2024

Escort to Arno-mot

Year 1456 Date Unknown... I've been signed up to an escort mission by my supplier. Seems he's calling in the favour I owe him. The job sounds simple enough, escort some rich fella and his wears from Kormul to some town in the middle of the desert for ...

11:53 am - 31.07.2024

A night to try and remember!

Year 1456 Date Unknown... After finishing our business in the marketplace, we found a large casino in the centre of town named the Eye of the Beholder. Inside it seemed a very well set up place, with fighting rings, gaming tables, the lot! There was a...

11:53 am - 31.07.2024

A day that just kept on giving!

1456 Date Unknown... Part 2 Upon leaving the underground of the now ruined church, we arose to find ourselves surrounded. Zombies! Must have been about 12, fully armoured and wielding crossbows, and at the centre of them a familiar looking mage. It ...

11:48 am - 31.07.2024

A day that just kept on giving!

1456 Date Unknown... Part 2 Upon leaving the underground of the now ruined church, we arose to find ourselves surrounded. Zombies! Must have been about 12, fully armoured and wielding crossbows, and at the centre of them a familiar looking mage. It ...

11:46 am - 31.07.2024

A day that just kept on giving.

1456 Date Unknown... Part 2 Upon leaving the underground of the now ruined church, we arose to find ourselves surrounded. Zombies! Must have been about 12, fully armoured and wielding crossbows, and at the centre of them a familiar looking mage. It ...

11:46 am - 31.07.2024

A morning to try and forget!

Year 1456 Date Unknown... After a successful night of fighting, gambling and boozing, Ilimahg and myself awoke in some barn near the inn. Our heads fouled with a wicked hangover, we managed to stumble back to the inn for a spot of breakfast. As we sat...

09:36 am - 31.07.2024

A morning to try and forget!

Year 1453 Date Unknown... After a successful night of fighting, gambling and boozing, Ilimahg and myself awoke in some barn near the inn. Our heads fouled with a wicked hangover, we managed to stumble back to the inn for a spot of breakfast. As we sat...

03:58 pm - 26.06.2024

A morning to try and forget!

Year 1453 Date Unknown... After a successful night of fighting, gambling and boozing, Ilimahg and myself awoke in some barn near the inn. Our heads fouled with a wicked hangover, we managed to stumble back to the inn for a spot of breakfast. As we sat...

03:58 pm - 26.06.2024

Escort to Arno-mot

Year 1453 Date Unknown... I've been signed up to an escort mission by my supplier. Seems he's calling in the favour I owe him. The job sounds simple enough, escort some rich fella and his wears from Kormul to some town in the middle of the desert for ...

03:49 pm - 26.06.2024

The Devil's Playground

Year 1453 Mid Summertide It's been over a year since I arrived in Southern Faerûn. I've had my ups and my downs since coming here but I've managed to survive. I managed to find that city after 10 days on the river. Kormul, this place really is the dev...

11:23 am - 19.06.2024

A morning to try and forget!

Year 1453 Date Unknown... After a successful night of fighting, gambling and boozing, Ilimahg and myself awoke in some barn near the inn. Our heads fouled with a wicked hangover, we managed to stumble back to the inn for a spot of breakfast. No sooner...

08:59 am - 18.06.2024

The Devil's Playground

Year 1453 Mid Summertide It's been over a year since I arrived in Southern Faerûn. I've had my ups and my downs since coming here but I've managed to survive. I managed to find that city after 10 days on the river. Kormul, this place really is the dev...

06:47 pm - 17.06.2024

A loud night and a quick profit?

Year 1452 Date Unknown... Lushpool! We've made our destination and arrived at this port city. I looks a fine place to call home, sunny skies and beautiful women, far better than the gloomy North. I've got two days to enjoy this place, and it's women, b...

04:49 pm - 17.06.2024

A morning to try and forget!

Year 1453 Date Unknown... After a successful night of fighting, gambling and boozing, Ilimahg and myself awoke in some barn near the inn. Our heads fouled with a wicked hangover, we managed to stumble back to the inn for a spot of breakfast. No sooner...

04:47 pm - 17.06.2024

Escort to Arno-mot

Year 1453 Date Unknown... I've signed up for an escort job. Sounds simple enough, escort some rich fella and his wears from Kormul to some town in the middle of the desert for a 5% share of the cargo. The man seems quite well set up for the trip, a sl...

04:41 pm - 17.06.2024

Escort to Arno-mot

Year 1453 Date Unknown... I've signed up for an escort job. Sounds simple enough, escort some rich fella and his wears from Kormul to some town in the middle of the desert for a 5% share of the cargo. The man seems quite well set up for the trip, a sl...

04:36 pm - 17.06.2024

Escort to Arno-mot

Year 1453 Date Unknown... After finishing our business in the marketplace, we found a large casino in the centre of town named the Eye of the Beholder. Inside it seemed a very well set up place, with fighting rings, gaming tables, the lot! There was a ...

04:34 pm - 17.06.2024

A morning to try and forget!

Year 1453 Date Unknown... After a successful night of fighting, gambling and boozing, Illimahg and myself awoke in some barn near the inn. Our heads fouled with a wicked hangover, we managed to stumble back to the inn for a spot of breakfast. No soone...

09:57 am - 17.06.2024

Escort to Arno-mot

Year 1453 Date Unknown... After finishing our business in the marketplace, we found a large casino in the centre of town named the Eye of the Beholder. Inside it seemed a very well set up place, with fighting rings, gaming tables, the lot! There was a ...

12:00 am - 07.06.2024

The Devil's Playground

Year 1453 Date Unknown... Must be a year or so since leaving Lushpool, and so far I've managed to survive. Kormul, this place really is the devil's playground...a chaotic hell hole where almost anything goes. The weak are trampled on and the strong pr...

11:59 pm - 06.06.2024

The Devil's Playground

Year 1453 Date Unknown... I've signed up for an escort job. Sounds simple enough, escort some rich fella and his wears from Kormul to some town in the middle of the desert for a 5% share of the cargo. The man seems quite well set up for the trip, a ...

07:13 am - 06.06.2024

Escort to Arno-mot

Year 1453 Date Unknown... After finishing our business in the marketplace, we found a large casino in the centre of town named the Eye of the Beholder. Inside it seemed a very well set up place, with fighting rings, gaming tables, the lot! There was a ...

09:40 am - 05.06.2024

Escort to Arno-mot

Year 1453 Date Unknown... After finishing our business in the marketplace, we found a large casino in the centre of town named the Eye of the Beholder. Inside it seemed a very well set up place, with fighting rings, gaming tables, the lot! There was a ...

09:39 am - 05.06.2024

A night to try and remember!

Year 1453 Date Unknown... After finishing our business in the marketplace, we found a large casino in the centre of town named the Eye of the Beholder. Inside it seemed a very well set up place, with fighting rings, gaming tables, the lot! There was a...

09:37 am - 05.06.2024

A night to try and remember!

Year 1453 Date Unknown... After a successful night of fighting, gambling and boozing, Illimahg and myself awoke in some barn near the inn. Our heads fouled with a wicked hangover, we managed to stumble back to the inn for a spot of breakfast. No sooner...

04:10 am - 05.06.2024

A night to try and remember!

Year 1453 Date Unknown... After a successful night of fighting, gambling and boozing, Illimahg and myself awoke in some barn near the inn. Our heads fouled with a wicked hangover, we managed to stumble back to the inn for a spot of breakfast. No sooner...

02:52 am - 05.06.2024

A night to try and remember!

Year 1453 Date Unknown... After a successful night of fighting, gambling and boozing, Illimahg and myself awoke in some barn near the inn. Our heads fouled with a wicked hangover, we managed to stumble back to the inn for a spot of breakfast. No sooner...

02:49 am - 05.06.2024

A loud night and a quick profit?

Year 1452 Date Unknown... Lushpool! We've made our destination and arrived at this port city. I looks a fine place to call home, sunny skies and beautiful women, far better than the gloomy North. I've got two days to enjoy this place, and it's women, b...

02:48 am - 05.06.2024

An unwanted task...

Year 1452 Date Unknown... What have I signed up for?! So much for a quick profit...That wretch at the inn made the job sound so easy, paddle up the river to Kormul and deliver the shipment. He was mum on the fact it's over 50 leagues to Kormul! Ba...

02:25 am - 05.06.2024

The Devil's Playground

Year 1453 Date Unknown... I've signed up for an escort job. Sounds simple enough, escort some rich fella and his wears from Kormul to some town in the middle of the desert for a 5% share of the cargo. The man seems quite well set up for the trip, a ...

01:58 am - 05.06.2024

The Devil's Playground

Year 1453 Date Unknown... It must be a year or so since I arrived in Southern Faérun, and so far I've managed to survive. Kormul, this place really is the devil's playground. It's a chaotic hell hole where almost anything goes, a man must steel himsel...

01:57 am - 05.06.2024

Escort to Arno-mot

Year 1453 Date Unknown... After finishing our business in the marketplace, we found a large casino in the centre of town named the Eye of the Beholder. Inside it seemed a very well set up place, with fighting rings, gaming tables, the lot! There was a ...

01:41 am - 05.06.2024

Escort to Arno-mot

Year 1453 Date Unknown... I've signed up for an escort job. Sounds simple enough, escort some rich fella and his wears from Kormul to some town in the middle of the desert for a 5% share of the cargo. The man seems quite well set up for the trip, a ...

01:40 am - 05.06.2024

A night to try and remember!

Year 1453 Date Unknown... After a successful night of fighting, gambling and boozing, Illimahg and myself awoke in some barn near the inn. Our heads fouled with a wicked hangover, we managed to stumble back to the inn for a spot of breakfast. No sooner...

01:34 am - 05.06.2024

A morning to try and forget!

Year 1453 Date Unknown... After a successful night of fighting, gambling and boozing, Illimahg and myself awoke in some barn near the inn. Our heads fouled with a wicked hangover, we managed to stumble back to the inn for a spot of breakfast. No soone...

01:33 am - 05.06.2024

A morning to try and forget...

Year 1453 Date Unknown... After a successful night of fighting, gambling and boozing, Illimahg and myself awoke in some barn near the inn. Our heads fouled with a wicked hangover, we managed to stumble back to the inn for a spot of breakfast. No soone...

01:33 am - 05.06.2024

The Journal Entry’s title

Begin writing your story here......

01:32 am - 05.06.2024

A voyages end draws near...

1452, Date Unknown... Our destination marks the horizon, Captain says if the wind remains in our favour we should make the port city of Lushpool tomorrow. This is my first time seeing Southern Faérun. I look forward to seeing this "City of Shimmering ...

01:29 am - 05.06.2024

A voyages end draws near...

1452, Date Unknown... Our destination marks the horizon, Captain says if the wind remains in our favour we should make the port city of Lushpool tomorrow. This is my first long voyage and my first to Southern Faérun. I look forward to seeing this "Cit...

01:25 am - 05.06.2024

A voyages end draws near...

1452, Date Unknown... Our destination will marks the horizon, Captain says if the wind remains in our favour we should make the port city of Lushpool tomorrow. This is my first long voyage and my first to Southern Faérun. I look forward to seeing this...

01:25 am - 05.06.2024

A night to try and remember!

Year 1453 Date Unknown... After finishing our business in the marketplace, we found a large casino in the centre of town named the Eye of the Beholder. Inside it seemed a very well set up place, with fighting rings, gaming tables, the lot! There was a ...

01:12 am - 05.06.2024

A morning to try and forget!

Year 1453 Date Unknown... After a successful night of fighting, gambling and boozing, Illimahg and myself awoke in some barn near the inn. Our heads fouled with a wicked hangover, we managed to stumble back to the inn for a spot of breakfast. No sooner...

02:33 pm - 01.06.2024

A morning to try and forget!

Year 1453 Date Unknown... After a successful night of fighting, gambling and boozing, Illimahg and myself awoke in some barn near the inn. Our heads fouled with a wicked hangover, we managed to stumble back to the inn for a spot of breakfast. No sooner...

11:13 pm - 31.05.2024

A night to try and remember!

Year 1453 Date Unknown... After finishing our business in the marketplace, we found a large casino in the centre of town named the Eye of the Beholder. Inside it seemed a very well set up place, with fighting rings, gaming tables, the lot! There was a ...

11:13 pm - 31.05.2024

Escort to Arno-mot

Year 1453 Date Unknown... I've signed up for an escort job. Sounds simple enough, escort some rich fella and his wears from Kormul to some town in the middle of the desert for a 5% share of the cargo. The man seems quite well set up for the trip, a ...

11:10 pm - 31.05.2024

A voyages end draws near...

1452, Date Unknown... We've nearly arrived at our destination, Captain says if the wind remains in our favour we should make the port city of Lushpool tomorrow. This is my first long voyage and my first to Southern Faerun. I look forward to seeing this...

11:02 pm - 31.05.2024

An unwanted task...

Year 1453 Date Unknown... I MUST BE MAD! Why did I agree to such a task?? That wretch made the job sound so easy, paddle up the river to Kormul and deliver the shipment... He failed the mention the river is over a hundred leagues to Kormul! Bastard...

10:59 pm - 31.05.2024

Escort to Arno-mot

Year 1453 Date Unknown... I've signed up for an escort job. Sounds simple enough, escort some rich fella and his wears from Kormul to some town in the middle of the desert for a 5% share of the cargo. The man seems quite well set up for the trip, a ...

10:56 pm - 31.05.2024

A morning to try and forget!

After a successful night of fighting, gambling and boozing, Illimahg and myself awoke in some barn near the inn. Our heads fouled with a wicked hangover, we managed to stumble back to the inn for a spot of breakfast. No sooner than we ordered food and dri...

10:51 pm - 31.05.2024

A morning to try and forget!

After a successful night of fighting, gambling and boozing, Illimahg and myself awoke in some barn near the inn. Our heads fouled with a wicked hangover, we managed to stumble back to the inn for a spot of breakfast. No sooner than we ordered food and dri...

10:47 pm - 31.05.2024

A morning to try and forget!

After a successful night of fighting, gambling and boozing, Illimahg and myself awoke in some barn near the inn. Our heads fouled with a wicked hangover, we managed to stumble back to the inn for a spot of breakfast. No sooner than we ordered food and d...

10:46 pm - 31.05.2024

A night to try and remember!

After finishing our business in the marketplace, we found a large casino in the centre of town named the Eye of the Beholder. Inside it seemed a very well set up place, with fighting rings, gaming tables, the lot! There was a fencing ring there lookin...

09:06 pm - 31.05.2024

A morning to try and forget!

After a successful night of fighting, gambling and boozing, Illimahg and myself awoken in some barn near the inn. Our heads fouled with a wicked hangover, we managed to stumble back to the inn for a spot of breakfast. No sooner than we ordered food an...

09:04 pm - 31.05.2024

A night to try and remember!

After finishing our business in the marketplace, we found a large casino in the centre of town named the Eye of the Beholder. Inside it seemed a very well set up place, with fighting rings, gaming tables, the lot! There was a fencing ring there lookin...

09:04 pm - 31.05.2024

A morning to try and forget!

After a successful night of fighting, gambling and boozing, Illimahg and myself awoken in some barn near the inn. Our heads fouled with a wicked hangover, we managed to stumble back to the inn for a spot of breakfast. No sooner than we ordered food an...

09:03 pm - 31.05.2024

A morning to try and forget!

After a successful night of fighting, gambling and boozing, Illimahg and myself awoken in some barn near the inn. Our heads fouled with a wicked hangover, we managed to stumble back to the inn for a spot of breakfast. No sooner than we ordered food and dr...

09:03 pm - 31.05.2024

A night to try and remember!

After finishing our business in the marketplace, we found a large casino in the centre of town named the Eye of the Beholder. Inside it seemed a very well set up place, with fighting rings, gaming tables, the lot! There was a fencing ring there looking fo...

09:02 pm - 31.05.2024

A morning to try and forget!

After a successful night of fighting, gambling and boozing, Illimahg and myself awoken in some barn near the inn. Our heads fouled with a wicked hangover, we managed to stumble back to the inn for a spot of breakfast. No sooner than we ordered food and dr...

09:02 pm - 31.05.2024

A morning to try and forget!

After a successful night of fighting, gambling and boozing, Illimahg and myself awoken in some barn near the inn. Our heads fouled with a wicked hangover, we managed to stumble back to the inn for a spot of breakfast. No sooner than we ordered food an...

08:28 pm - 31.05.2024

A morning to try and forget!

After a successful night of fighting, gambling and boozing, Illimahg and myself awoken in some barn near the inn. Our heads fouled with a wicked hangover, we managed to stumble back to the inn for a spot of breakfast. No sooner than we ordered food an...

08:09 pm - 31.05.2024

Escort to Arno-mot

Year 1453 Date Unknown... I've signed up for an escort job. Sounds simple enough, escort some rich fella and his wears from Kormul to some town in the middle of the desert for a 5% share of the cargo. The man seems quite well set up for the trip, a ...

01:33 am - 21.05.2024

Escort to Arno-mot

Year 1453 Date Unknown... I've signed up for an escort job. Sounds simple enough, escort some rich fella and his wears from Kormul to some town in the middle of the desert for a 5% share of the cargo. The man seems quite well set up for the trip, a ...

12:07 pm - 20.05.2024

A night to try and remember!

After finishing our business in the marketplace, we found a large casino in the centre of town named the Eye of the Beholder. Inside it seemed a very well set up place, with fighting rings, gaming tables, the lot! There was a fencing ring there looking fo...

12:02 pm - 20.05.2024

Escort to Arno-mot

Year 1453 Date Unknown... I've signed up for an escort job. Sounds simple enough, escort some rich fella and his wears from Kormul to some town in the middle of the desert for a 5% share of the cargo. The man seems quite well set up for the trip, a ...

11:49 am - 20.05.2024

A night to try and remember!

After finishing our business in the marketplace, we found a large casino in the centre of town named the Eye of the Beholder. Inside it seemed a very well set up place, with fighting rings, gaming tables the lot! There was a fencing ring there looking for...

11:34 am - 20.05.2024

Escort to Arno-mot

Year 1453 Date Unknown... I've signed up for an escort job. Sounds simple enough, escort some rich fella and his wears from Kormul to some town in the middle of the desert for a 5% share of the cargo. The man seems quite well set up for the trip, a ...

11:19 am - 20.05.2024

Escort to Arno-mot

Year 1453 Date Unknown... I've signed up for an escort job. Sounds simple enough, escort some rich fella and his wears from Kormul to some town in the middle of the desert for a 5% share of the cargo. The man seems quite well set up for the trip, a ...

12:06 am - 20.05.2024

A night to try and remember!

After my victory at the fencing the Goliath tried his luck in the boxing ring. I'd have thought he'd have done well with his size and stature, but the fool didn't make it past the first round! He was finding some stubby little frog man, apparently called ...

12:15 am - 18.05.2024

Escort to Arno-mot

Year 1453 Date Unknown... I've signed up for an escort job. Sounds simple enough, escort some rich fella and his wears from Kormul to some town in the middle of the desert for a 5% share of the cargo. The man seems quite well set up for the trip, a ...

11:15 pm - 17.05.2024

Escort to Arno-mot

Year 1453 Date Unknown... I've signed up for an escort job. Sounds simple enough, escort some rich fella and his wears from Kormul to some town in the middle of the desert for a 5% share of the cargo. The man seems quite well set up for the trip, a ...

12:24 am - 16.05.2024

Escort to Arno-mot

Year 1453 Date Unknown... I've signed up for an escort job. Sounds simple enough, escort some rich fella and his wears from Kormul to some town in the middle of the desert for a 5% share of the cargo. The man seems quite well set up for the trip, a ...

12:21 am - 16.05.2024

Escort to Arno-mot

Year 1453 Date Unknown... I've signed up for an escort job. Sounds simple enough, escort some rich fella and his wears from Kormul to some town in the middle of the desert for a 5% share of the cargo. The man seems quite well set up for the trip, a ...

12:02 am - 16.05.2024

Escort to Arno-mot

Year 1453 Date Unknown... I've signed up for an escort job. Sounds simple enough, escort some rich fella and his wears from Kormul to some town in the middle of the desert for a 5% share of the cargo. The man seems quite well set up for the trip, a ...

11:59 pm - 15.05.2024

A voyages end draws near...

1452, Date Unknown... We've nearly arrived at our destination, Captain says if the wind remains in our favour we should make the port city of Lushpool tomorrow. This is my first long voyage and my first to Southern Faerun. I look forward to seeing this...

11:47 pm - 15.05.2024

Escort to Arno-mot

Year 1453 Date Unknown... I've signed up for an escort job. Sounds simple enough, escort some rich fella and his wears from Kormul to some town in the middle of the desert for a 5% share of the cargo. The man seems quite well set up for the trip, a ...

08:13 am - 08.05.2024

Escort to Arno-mot

Year 1453 Date Unknown... I've signed up for an escort job. Sounds simple enough, escort some rich fella and his wears from Kormul to some town in the middle of the desert for a 5% share of the cargo. The man seems quite well set up for the trip, a ...

03:16 am - 28.04.2024

The Devil's Playground

Year 1453 Date Unknown... Must be a year or so since leaving Lushpool, and so far I've managed to survive. Kormul, this place really is the devil's playground...a chaotic hell hole where almost anything goes. The weak are trampled on and the strong pro...

03:11 am - 28.04.2024

The Devil's Playground

Year 1453 Date Unknown... Must be a year or so since leaving Lushpool, and so far I've managed to survive. Kormul, this place really is the devil's playground...a chaotic hell hole where almost anything goes. The weak are trampled on and the strong pro...

03:10 am - 28.04.2024

The Devil's Playground

Year 1453 Date Unknown... Must be a year or so since leaving Lushpool, and so far I've managed to survive. Kormul, this place really is the devil's playground...a chaotic hell hole where almost anything goes. The weak are trampled on and the strong pro...

03:08 am - 28.04.2024

The Devil's Playground

Year 1453 Date Unknown... Must be a year or so since leaving Lushpool, and so far I've managed to survive. Kormul, this place really is the devil's playground...a chaotic hell hole where almost anything goes. The weak are trampled on and the strong pro...

03:07 am - 28.04.2024

The Devil's Playground

Year 1453 Date Unknown... A year must have passed by now, and so far I've managed to survive. Kormul, this place really is the devil's playground...a chaotic hell hole where almost anything goes. The weak are trampled on and the strong profit, not much...

03:02 am - 28.04.2024

The Devil's Playground

Year 1453 Date Unknown... A year must have passed by now, and so far I've managed to survive. Kormul, this place really is the devil's playground...a chaotic hell hole where almost anything goes. The weak are trampled on and the strong profit, not much...

02:57 am - 28.04.2024

Escort to Arno-mot

Year 1453 Date Unknown... I've signed up for an escort job. Sounds simple enough, escort some rich fella and his wears from Kormul to some town in the middle of the desert for a 5% share of the cargo. The man seems quite well set up for the trip, a ...

11:38 pm - 27.04.2024

The Devil's Playground

Year 1453 Date Unknown... A year must have passed by now, and so far I've managed to survive. Kormul, this place really is the devil's playground...a chaotic hell hole where almost anything goes. The weak are trampled on and the strong profit, not much...

11:37 pm - 27.04.2024

The Devil's Playground

Year 1453 Date Unknown... A year must have passed by now, and so far I've managed to survive. Kormul, this place really is the devil's playground...a chaotic hell hole where almost anything goes. The weak are trampled on and the strong profit, not much...

11:33 pm - 27.04.2024

Escort to Arno-mot

Year 1453 Date Unknown... I've signed up for an escort job. Sounds simple enough, escort some rich fella and his wears from Kormul to some town in the middle of the desert for a 5% share of the cargo. The man seems quite well set up for the trip, a ...

11:12 pm - 27.04.2024

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Jack.

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Other Characters by Kormack.