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Fri 31st May 2024 08:30

A night to try and remember!

by Jack Hawkins

Year 1456 Date Unknown...

After finishing our business in the marketplace, we found a large casino in the centre of town named the Eye of the Beholder. Inside it seemed a very well set up place, with fighting rings, gaming tables, the lot! There was a fencing ring there looking for challengers, and after seeing the prizes and that they had clerics on standby to heal wounds, I signed up. I did bloody good too! I managed to best both the warm up fighter and the defending champion. Won myself a very nice rapier and a large sapphire, should be worth at least 200g.

After my victory at the fencing, Ithelmag, is that his name? Anyway the Goliath tried his luck in the boxing ring. I'd have thought he'd have done well with his size and stature, but the fool didn't make it past the first round! He was fighting some stubby little frog man, heard one of the spectators call it a Grung. What happened next was amazing, really shocked some of the spectators! Somehow this tiny little frog man threw the Goliath out the ring! Funniest thing I've seen in a while! Imagine an 8ft Goliath being thrown around by a 3ft frog man, it was hilarious! The punters who backed the Goliath were furious, and the Goliath was non to happy either. After his embarrassing loss he wanted to kill the Grung and steal the prize he'd have gotten should he have won, a weird top hat that can summon vermin, some prize...

We saw the Grung running off after the fight down a corridor of dressing rooms. We found him in a room talking to a huge Loxo who turned out to be one of the fighters, The Grey Comet. After the Loxo left I managed to distract the Grung and steal the top hat. I gave it to the Goliath and we made a swift exit. After leaving the casino we headed to the nearest inn, a small place called The Cursed Anchor. After a night of heavy drinking and dining, we woke up in a barn nearby. The rest is rather blurry.


Post Script - Loxo's are large elephant humanoids.