What, this can't be right. I haven't even had time to calm myself down from what just happened, and Michael was acting really weirdly. I think I was sleeping, and this dwarf fell onto my bed. There were more people, this human, and another elf. The dwarf violated my personal space and instantly removed several knives from my body, none of which I had even stored there myself. Normally, I would have objected harshly to the man, however following my previous excursion I was still recovering. I asked Wolfgang what was going on, but before we could collect ourselves something strange happened with Michael, and we were transported to this void, and someone was there. They gave this speech which made no sense, I couldn't really explain it much.
Not long after, we were falling. I was scared, I hadn't any idea what had happened. My memory is blury, but I think my first thought was that what was happening couldn't be real. It simply made more sense to deny what was in front of me at the time.
There were these weird creatures around us, they had horns and weird teeth, some had tails or strange feet too. I'll just describe them as demons.
Wolfgang was weird, they were an elf too now. Also, how do I say this, "He" was not really a thing anymore. It seems whatever force drew us here also saw fit to transfer Wolfgang's consciousness into someone named Iriel, she had these bad burns down her face. Beyond that, they were the same.
The Dwarf insisted I was his sister, or something like that. He looked familiar to the dwarf I saw before, but I wasn't sure he was the exact same. He had the same name, but I think I would know if I had a dwarf brother.
I needed time to myself, so I sat on the curb of the city thing we landed in. One of the creatures came over and poked me with a sword, I tried telling them off. I guess it worked because they left me alone after that.
Someone else came and greeted me, they explained some things to me. I didn't really show my gratidude, but I was pretty thankful to have some idea of what was going on. They introduced themselves as "The Lord". I don't know of what, but that's what they claim to be. He kind of reminded me of someone, but I wasn't too certain on who. He had this quirk of having approximate knowledge, and I was insulted by his belief that my name was "Molest Soon". I tried to clarify my name, but he didn't care.
It turned out we were in hell, we had died, which I knew already. I suppose Cirn was some sort of holding area, purgatory. For some reason, it's gone now, and now we're in the first layer of hell, which is "Lust".
My companions decided it was a good idea to team up, it seemed there was something we needed to steal. As chance would have it, all we had to do in order to decend the layers of hell was collect these status symbols, given by death, called Rings. In this case, we had already found the Lord of the Ring, and we made quick work of securing it. We led the Lord of the Ring into a room with the promise of intercourse, and I used my cloak to steal the ring. However, I was ambushed by that damn Archer. She shot my hand, and made off with the ring. The human chased her, and I guess she got distracted because I was able to catch up and disable her armor. Somehow she lost the ring, and our mission was complete. She escaped our grasp unfortunately, but we had new plans. We entered the tower which would let us descend the layer, and we looted the place. It had some nice stuff, but nothing too fancy. I found this weird doll thing which spoke to me, figuratiavly and literally.
I'm so confused, I feel lost. I haven't been having any issues with my thoughts since I experienced some parts of my past I think. I can't really tell. I don't think people trust me, and I can't figure out why.
Oh, also, Michael is gone. And Sasha. And Ethos. Marshall and Max too. Was anyone in Purgatory even real? I don't know where they are, I hope we find them soon.
This has been my story so far, and I think I'll keep going for now. I have hope that we can make it out of this together.
Wish me luck, CM

Continue reading...

  1. Wyatt
    1st of Chad, 2021
  2. Cirn: Day Zero
    March 4, 905
  3. Purgatory
    Day -1
  4. Lust
    Day 0
  5. Wrath
    Day 2
  6. A Short Evaluation
    April 905