March 4, 905

Cirn: Day Zero

by Celeste Quintessa Moon

Everything hurts, I've found shelter now. I don't know what has happened. It all began with a landing, I think our ship crashed. I met a few people on the beach, and I saw some things that made me feel ways I did not like. Then, there was a person who didn't look very nice. The lab was a mess, if you could even call it that.
I woke up in a room I didn't recognize, I think I was tied down but I'm not exactly sure. The next thing I knew everything was falling apart. I made an escape from that prison and fled into the city, and now I am resting trying to put everything together.
A kind person took me in, I didn't get the chance to ask for their name. I think they're a butcher of some kind. I can't particularly condone their profession, but I understand the need to work.
I am going to sleep soon, hopefully tomorrow I can make it out of this hellish place, or get some answers.
Date: Unknown (Edit, I think it was March 4, 905)
With the best intentions,
Celeste Q. Moon

Continue reading...

  1. Wyatt
    1st of Chad, 2021
  2. Cirn: Day Zero
    March 4, 905
  3. Purgatory
    Day -1
  4. Lust
    Day 0
  5. Wrath
    Day 2
  6. A Short Evaluation
    April 905