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Sun 7th May 2023 11:26

Back at Mystwall... (5/7/23)

by Tama Dalkan

As the party heads towards Mystwall with an unconscious Tama, they decide what to do with the treasure they found.
They come across a farmer and his son on the outskirts and through the art of Quinn's diplomacy, Otto and he were able to get a cart to pull the treasure and unconscious people into town for 25 gold.
Arriving back in Mystwall, they explain what happened with the snakes and that the lady they found had almost birthed a snake baby.
Archie is the catchpole, who looks at what people bring into town and figures out how much it is. They end up haggling with him about a Rhino-hide bag he found in our haul. Linen blanket was worth 12 gold, buckler was worth 165 gold. Quinn seems to "forget who Archie is".... a lot. And Archie taxes us... a lot.
We arrive at the Broken Blade Inn and distribute the chests of treasure among ourselves. Quinn says he'll definitely be meeting with us later and leaves. Otto and Rosemary gets some rooms for the rest of the party.
Quinn heads past the brothels and heads to the nearest orphanage in Mystwall, the Mystwall Orphange. It's very rundown and at first no one answers the door when Quinn knocks. An older housemarm answers the door and Quinn introduces himself as "Christian Stephanopolis". He gives the orphanage a grant of money and spends the night in an alleyway.
The next morning, Tama and the lady Athelia (formerly known as Allegra) have recovered Otto and Tama go to the Mystic Emporium to pay our taxes. We also got tickets to take the ARTTRAIN on the 10th. We see a tall thin man with piercing eyes that look almost otherwordly to look at our magic items. Tama sells his whip for 1100 gold for the party.
Quinn is conning people into buying "invisible elixirs" from the party's cart. Quinn makes 21 gold.
We continue selling items at the Mystic Emporium and making a looooot of gold!
We begin our travels towards Wyndmere and ultimately Velspara. Tama spots a lady with long flowing hair staring in my direction. Quinn and Sebastian meet. Sebastian brags about being given a mission about taking down a troll. Tama and Otto's ex-lover meet when Mastiff comes up behind him and they reconnect. Rosemary and her rival stare at each other in silence. Otto hides and watches from a distance as Sebastian
At the docks, a boy with a sign holding up Bastion Apprentices. We follow the boy towards the troll while the other party searches for the boy.