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Sun 28th May 2023 11:15

Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls! (5/28/23)

by Tama Dalkan

The mosquito bat attacks me and easily bites me. Quinn dives in the water to place a torch on the other side. This draws the attention of grimlocks, Tama and Laero were near death but were able to be saved. Afterwards we gathered where Quinn was and Tama retrieves the shield and the adventurer's pack from below.
We go through the pack and find various scrolls and potions.
The rival team arrives and Quinn convinces Sebastian that they are the B team but does not convince Sebastian on identity, but Sebastian embraces Quinn because he thinks Quinn used Sebastian's name so he would still get the credit even though he's on the "B" team.
There's a skeleton that has dangerous fungus spores around it that Quinn touches with a 10 foot pole. We struggle to make it across the chasm to the other side but are able to continue on.
We join the "B" Team as they see the pigs, the dead soldiers and combat the troll and Quinn is able to create a line of oil which he lights with fire to burn the troll to death. Tama chops off the head with his spiked chain and everyone looks at each other in awkward silence.