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Sun 16th Apr 2023 11:46

Spelunking with Snakes (4/16/23)

by Tama Dalkan

The snake people find the light of our torches and head our way. Otto wants to bring them to justice. One of them attempts to call for backup, and Otto quickly acts, spurring the party into action. Tama one-shots one cultist by tripping it with his spiked chain. Otto hears them saying something in Infernal about the 7th seal. Quinn inspires the party by singing a rousing song saying "the party sucks, please do better and help him get out because he doesn't want to be stuck down here". Otto listens to the words, holds his holy symbol and begins tearing through enemies. A snake bites Tama and begins to drain his health, but Tama cuts it in half before it gets too far. At one point Otto takes Quinn's hand and heals him. Quinn is grateful because he gets to live. One cultist tried to stab Otto but stumbles and Tama kills him. Another snake attempts to bite Quinn. Zombies are also present and one attempts to attack Rosemary. Tama turns around and trips a snake that was flanking the party, slicing its head off. Otto takes on the zombie in front of him and connects. Rosemary joins Otto and Tama in attacking the zombie, and the zombie gets an attack in, almost killing her. Rosemary, Quinn and Otto hit the zombie in retaliation, with Otto knocking its head off like a football as it rolls down the stairs.
Otto tells the party they were saying something about getting in touch with the Mistress. As the party investigates for loot, Otto finds a belt with a crest "The Lost Crest of Smorgasboard".
We come upon a large room and take out the two cultists we spared from the last battle. Otto walks up to the pillars of four animals that were also in the room and depresses each button (mouse, snake, hawk, bear) and a hidden path opens. We take the western exit and are going through cobwebs as the session ends....