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Wed, 03 16th, 782 ASF

Life's a Dating Sim pt. 2

by Yzmir A. Crepusculum

Day 2:
After returning from the Boneyard we went and turned in our info to the moody vampire lackies. Ezra's boldness has no bounds. Turin went to meet Vyn'Lal the High Lich contact that will lead us to the Crypt of Archinal. May haps we can ask him questions later our selves. [REDACTED].
I first went to Xemina's office, and found her not there. After searching on the stairs for Xemina, I eventually go to Vivian's workshop to look for her. Vivian told me she was on floor eight or on the training grounds, she also pricked my arm and patted my stomach before cleaning off all the dirt and grime I had gotten on me from the Bonyard we went to earlier in the day. I next went checking her room and leaving a note, I went to the training grounds and found Kayna, who told me Xemina had just passed and was training. In the beautiful moon light, I floated (Using Steps of Night my Wings were glowing with a moon/starlight) to her and watched her dance beautifuly while fighting on the battle field with her rapier. After standing for a while and watching She eventually stopped and noticed me. After helping her return the dummies to camp I asked her to go for a walk, she accepted and the we went on a wonderful walk together where Xemina asked more about why I came here, being as I am not the *kind* of person one would expect to find here. I told her I was approached oddly enough by Mol a devil, I then opened up with about my past and what happened to my family and how they raised me to treat people equally despite what their race might be, these seemed to strike a cord in Xemina too, something about her family. I began to talk about the experience with the battlefield and how the demon killed every and how I should of died but just before my death everything went white. Before I continued though, [REDACTED], I then stopped myself. We then finished out walk and joined Kayna by the campfire for some drinks. After that we headed back to my floor and went our seperate ways but just before that happend I gave Xemina a hug and wished a good night, and also appologised for the weird note. Once I stepped away and back towards my room I felt a warm tingeling on my arm and stomach and noticed it was covered in little >:D all up my right arm. I rushed back Vivian's workshop asksing what she had done and was given a response of only laughter, and telling me it would wear off in 24 hours. Before leaving and heading to my quarters for bed I told her thank you.

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  1. Vivian's Workshop
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  2. Gloomy Clover
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  4. Boop the snoot
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  5. Life's a Dating Sim pt. 1
    Mon, 03 14th and Tues, 03 15th, 782 ASF
  6. Life's a Dating Sim pt. 2
    Wed, 03 16th, 782 ASF
  7. In fire and light
    Sat, 03 19th, 782 ASF
  8. The Hunt is on
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  9. A deal for love
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  10. Life's a Dating Sim pt. 4
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  11. Dawn pt.1
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  12. Dawn pt. 2
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  13. Life's a Dating Sim pt. 5
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  14. Colosseum and a New Lead
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  15. Life's a Dating Sim pt. 6 - Mission Complete
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  16. Hell's Cold
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  17. Girl's Night and the Stinky Man
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