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Sun, 03 31st, 782 ASF

Life's a Dating Sim pt. 6 - Mission Complete

by Yzmir A. Crepusculum

We went and spoke with Ezra telling him the truth about our life. Afterwards we met up with Ximena in the training grounds, I told her about my predicament and confessed my fear. I then went in for the kiss and she accepted it. Mission accomplished.

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  1. Vivian's Workshop
    Thurs, 03 10th, 782 ASF
  2. Gloomy Clover
    Sat, 03 12th, 782 ASF
  3. Devil shoe
    Sat, 03 12th, 782 ASF
  4. Boop the snoot
    Sat, 03 12th, 782 ASF
  5. Life's a Dating Sim pt. 1
    Mon, 03 14th and Tues, 03 15th, 782 ASF
  6. Life's a Dating Sim pt. 2
    Wed, 03 16th, 782 ASF
  7. In fire and light
    Sat, 03 19th, 782 ASF
  8. The Hunt is on
    Sat, 03 19th, 782 ASF
  9. A deal for love
    Sat, 03 19th, 782 ASF
  10. Life's a Dating Sim pt. 4
    Sat, 03 19th - Wed 03 23rd, 782 ASF
  11. Dawn pt.1
    Thur, 03 24th and Fri, 03 25st, 782 ASF
  12. Dawn pt. 2
    03 26nd - 03 28th, 782 ASF
  13. Life's a Dating Sim pt. 5
    Fri, 03 29th and Sat, 03 30th, 782 ASF
  14. Colosseum and a New Lead
    Sun, 03 31st, 782 ASF
  15. Life's a Dating Sim pt. 6 - Mission Complete
    Sun, 03 31st, 782 ASF
  16. Hell's Cold
    Mon, 04 1st - Tues, 04 2nd, 782 ASF
  17. Girl's Night and the Stinky Man
    Tues, 04 2nd - Sun, 09th, 782 ASF