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Yzmir A. Crepusculum

8 / 8 HP

A young drow looking cleric with a lot of spunk

Campaign & Party

Played by
Tues, 04 2nd - Sun, 09th, 782 ASF

Girl's Night and the Stinky Man

by Yzmir A. Crepusculum

Lith and Xemina went into town for a girls shopping spree while Turin and Zeal got deeds done in the spire. We spent the day relaxing with Ezra. We then left for Mallordhill when we were stopped by the same ominous smoky knight who surround itself in a thick fog of deadly thunderous fog. After Zeal spoke with it, it basically told him we weren't ready to fight it and come back later. It spoke of a Celestial being that it had issues with. I presumed me, after becoming aware that were fallen it changed it's tune. He stood as neither our friend or foe but a possible advisory eventually. We then continued our way to Mallordhill.

Yzmir's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Vivian's Workshop
    Thurs, 03 10th, 782 ASF
  2. Gloomy Clover
    Sat, 03 12th, 782 ASF
  3. Devil shoe
    Sat, 03 12th, 782 ASF
  4. Boop the snoot
    Sat, 03 12th, 782 ASF
  5. Life's a Dating Sim pt. 1
    Mon, 03 14th and Tues, 03 15th, 782 ASF
  6. Life's a Dating Sim pt. 2
    Wed, 03 16th, 782 ASF
  7. In fire and light
    Sat, 03 19th, 782 ASF
  8. The Hunt is on
    Sat, 03 19th, 782 ASF
  9. A deal for love
    Sat, 03 19th, 782 ASF
  10. Life's a Dating Sim pt. 4
    Sat, 03 19th - Wed 03 23rd, 782 ASF
  11. Dawn pt.1
    Thur, 03 24th and Fri, 03 25st, 782 ASF
  12. Dawn pt. 2
    03 26nd - 03 28th, 782 ASF
  13. Life's a Dating Sim pt. 5
    Fri, 03 29th and Sat, 03 30th, 782 ASF
  14. Colosseum and a New Lead
    Sun, 03 31st, 782 ASF
  15. Life's a Dating Sim pt. 6 - Mission Complete
    Sun, 03 31st, 782 ASF
  16. Hell's Cold
    Mon, 04 1st - Tues, 04 2nd, 782 ASF
  17. Girl's Night and the Stinky Man
    Tues, 04 2nd - Sun, 09th, 782 ASF

The major events and journals in Yzmir's history, from the beginning to today.

Life's a Dating Sim pt. 6 - Mission Complete

We went and spoke with Ezra telling him the truth about our life. Afterwards we met up with Ximena in the training grounds, I told her about my predicament and confessed my fear. I then went in for the kiss and she accepted it. Mission accomplished....

01:02 am - 21.02.2023

Colosseum and a New Lead

After watching some higher ups combat against each other, we went back to the lounge to find Lith with Xemina and Jariah. We sat down and got to know her a little bit before Ezra came in to the room back from his ball. He then asked Lith what race she was...

06:02 am - 17.01.2023

Life is a dating sim pt. 5

We arrive back to the spire and see Team A standing out front unloading. We have a brief conversation as we pass them, not letting the goat anything out of us. I head to drink with Ezra and learn a bit how to dance from him. I checked in with Vivian a...

04:43 am - 17.01.2023

Dawn pt. 2

We made it from Malorhill, towards Arlean. Before getting there we found a house that was believed to be abandoned. But was inhabited by a monstrosity and it's amalgamations. After killing it Zeal got the deed to the home, we left for Arlean again. We...

04:19 am - 17.01.2023


As we left the spire we traveled for some time until we found ourselves in a large forest. As we continued we ran into a group of Cadeer (Magic nullifying deer), instead of killing them we decided to trade information with them. After the trade we were le...

04:39 am - 27.09.2022

Life is a Dating Sim pt. 4

After returning to the camp we were joined by the Devil who I had fought earlier in the day before the battle. He revealed his name to me, Glint, I guess Devils don't go by the same naming conventions that Tieflings go by. We then were transported back to...

03:35 am - 09.08.2022

The Hunt is on

We left the camp heading towards the demons, after fighting off a hoard of lesser demons and some larger ones we went face to face with a giant snake like slime creature. We eventually took it out with Zeal striking it just before the big bad demon lord i...

05:05 am - 02.08.2022

In fire and light

After getting transported to Hell, [REDACTED] feel off here, it's almost sickening, the group moved to a devil camp, I challenge a devil to fight and somehow against all odds won it, my glaive transformed? Thank you....

04:17 am - 26.07.2022

A deal for love

After leaving the cript, Yzmir drops off the Cochmange corpse head and torsoe as well as a magic blue crystal to Vivian's Workshop. She then headed to the Gloomy Clover to trade the Gem Mimic for The Invisible Snake he had in his aquisition. In trading wi...

04:36 am - 12.07.2022

Life's a dating sim pt. 2

Day 2: After returning from the Boneyard we went and turned in our info to the moody vampire lackies. Ezra's boldness has no bounds. Turin went to meet Vyn'Lal the High Lich contact that will lead us to the Crypt of Archinal. May haps we can ask him q...

07:20 am - 24.05.2022

Life's a dating sim

Day 1: I talked with [Redacted] (Check Disscussion Board from May 9th Session) about the fight weith Dvalto Later in the evening I went on a date with Xemina, and saw her eyes. I've never seen anything as beautiful.... I look forward to see more of her...

04:51 am - 10.05.2022

Boop the snoot

I must return to the gloomy clover to claim my friendo...

03:27 am - 03.05.2022

"Lucky for you, I'm a snake lover." *wink*

03:26 am - 03.05.2022

Devil shoe

Yzmir heads to The casino with the group and meets a familiar face. Moul Gerring the man who recruited us from the bar. He sits at a Black Jack table, I went over to talk with him after a quick reunite I am approached by an Elf (disguised actually Dealer...

05:18 am - 26.04.2022

Devil shoe

Yzmir heads to The casino with the group and meets a familiar face. Moul Gerring the man who recruited us from the bar...

01:54 am - 26.04.2022

Gloomy Clover

I traded a vile of my blood for information to a Older Vampiric gentlemen. There is a camouflaging snake like creature he owns though that I took intrest in. He is willing to trade rather then sell so I will need to find something worthy of trade. Apparen...

12:29 am - 26.04.2022

Vivian's Workshop

I met with Vivian in her work shop to learn more about the system in which she created the weapon. She told me about how it's connected to signs and souls. She also briefly told me about how the Lich named Arkanos created many strong magics, he was so str...

11:47 pm - 25.04.2022

Blood and murder or salvation

08:53 am - 21.02.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Yzmir.

Played by