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Fri, 03 29th and Sat, 03 30th, 782 ASF

Life's a Dating Sim pt. 5

by Yzmir A. Crepusculum

We arrive back to the spire and see Team A standing out front unloading. We have a brief conversation as we pass them, not letting them goad anything out of us.
I head to drink with Ezra and learn a bit how to dance from him. I checked in with Vivian and asked her if she knew how to summon a reaper and if it were possible capture one. She didn't know much but informed me of the fact that there are two different kinds of reapers, soul reapers which are creatures that consume souls and grim reapers that are in mythos the ferryman of souls. Also that she had never seen either ever in her life.
I then headed to find Ximena, where I found her in the library. I approached her and after some conversation I told her how I felt about her. She didn't out right deny me but rather told me that she's lost too many to put herself in the situation of us being anything more than friends. I told her "I'm not going to be cliché and say that I will be different and I won't abandon her. That being said though, I'm not going anywhere, Ximena and I will be here for you and I want to be here for you. So I will wait for the day that you are ready." It was cute, and her reaction was cute.
Afterwards I went to Kayna and asked to get my armor de-glorified and made to look more like Pelor Paladin armor not as inconspicuous.
I then headed back to the lounge and made drinks with Ezra until Turin returned. Turin accompanied me to Vyn'Lal, where I wanted to ask him about Reapers after a bit of conversation that got a little heated.
Vyn'Lal - "They are often storybook portrayals of myths, not real."
Yzmir - "Then may haps I need to go to your higher up to some real information."
V - "This is the knowledge I was passed down from the Overlord himself. I will not allow you to sully his name"
Y - "I mean no offense or insult to your Overlord, Vyn'Lal. As I hold a great deal of gratitude towards him for his timely intervention and saving my life. That being said, I will take offense when someone refers to those I hold dearly as non-existent."
I and Turin left after that.

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  1. Vivian's Workshop
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  2. Gloomy Clover
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  3. Devil shoe
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  4. Boop the snoot
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  5. Life's a Dating Sim pt. 1
    Mon, 03 14th and Tues, 03 15th, 782 ASF
  6. Life's a Dating Sim pt. 2
    Wed, 03 16th, 782 ASF
  7. In fire and light
    Sat, 03 19th, 782 ASF
  8. The Hunt is on
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  9. A deal for love
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  10. Life's a Dating Sim pt. 4
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  11. Dawn pt.1
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  12. Dawn pt. 2
    03 26nd - 03 28th, 782 ASF
  13. Life's a Dating Sim pt. 5
    Fri, 03 29th and Sat, 03 30th, 782 ASF
  14. Colosseum and a New Lead
    Sun, 03 31st, 782 ASF
  15. Life's a Dating Sim pt. 6 - Mission Complete
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  16. Hell's Cold
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  17. Girl's Night and the Stinky Man
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