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Thu 18th Jan 2024 04:06

Journal #5

by Ankha

Dearest RK,
Earlier as we had ventured into the heart of Vallaki, the air felt thick with whispers of despair, an unsettling parade awaited our gaze.
I found myself entangled in a dance of conflicting emotions. The sight of that family, imprisoned by the Baron’s judgement, stuck a dissonant chord within the symphony of my convictions. Their faces, veiled by paster masks, spoke volumes of the silent suffering.
In the cold, unforgiving wood of the stocks, I glimpsed the harsh reflection of a world strangled by the Baron’s definition of justice. The children, helpless and confined, wove a tapestry of innocence marred by the cruelty of circumstance. A question, as insistent as a whispered prayer, echoed in the chambers of my heart – how could this be the divine design?
The Red Knight, whose banner I bear, stands for justice and righteous fury. Yet, in the moment, the very foundations of my faith trembled beneath the weight of unjust.
The echoes of injustice, the silent cries of the restrained, stirred an oath within me – a promise etched in the fabric of my being. A commitment echoed in the depths of my gaze, a pledge to return and free these souls from their torment.
The oaths I swore, etched in the crucible of war and sacrifice, stand at a precipice. Do they condone the suffering of innocence, or do they demand a defiance against the oppressive shadows cast by false justice?
Need Your Light,