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Thu 18th Jan 2024 01:26

Journal #2

by Ankha

Dearest RK,
In the shadowed realms of Barovia, my heart bears the weight of choices made and paths unraveling. The encounter with the grieving woman, her daughter's fate hanging in the balance, stirred a sense of compassion. Yet, the rift within our group grows. Finnie now carries the burden of resentment, his grief twisting into a darkened cloak. I am uncertain how to bridge this divide, and the tension manifested at the Vistani tavern only deepened. Finnie's attempt to snatch notes bred discord, and Davnic's shadowy intentions cast further doubt upon our cohesion.
Saylor Twift's carefree spirit, always dancing on the fringes of quests, puzzles me. Her choice of revelry over duty confounds my understanding. Juni, a newcomer from realms unknown, walks beside us with an air of mystery. Her strength, both of faith and courage, is a welcomed ally, yet the uncertainty of her origins haunts my thoughts.
The journey through Barovia unfolds with ominous portents. The tragic revelation at the church, Doru's vampiric fate, cut deep into the marrow of my conviction. Strahd's chilling presence cast a pall over our mission. Ireena's abduction, Juni charmed, and Saylor bitten – the threads of despair are tightly woven. Vimak, Finnie, and I delved into the woods, discovering a cryptic letter accompanying a corpse. Barovia's secrets tighten their grip.
In the dim lands of Barovia, where shadows dance and secrets whisper, I find myself grappling not only with the malevolent forces that surround us but also with the complexities within our fellowship. Grant me strength, Red Knight, to navigate this tangled web of uncertainty and preserve the bonds that may yet see us through the encroaching darkness.
In Your Light,