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Thu 18th Jan 2024 03:41

Journal #4

by Ankha

Dearest RK,
Amidst the troubles of last night, I woke to find our bard sat at the bar of our only sanctuary in this place, The Blue Water Inn. She tried to explain her appearance in Vallaki but was unable to explain, excusing herself to rest from an unknown illness and overwhelming fatigue.
Saylor’s departure diverted our sights to an elf at the back of the tavern, his choice of clothing caught me off guard. The barmaid informed us the elf went by Rictavio and had a morning ritual since arriving in Vallaki.
Juni seemed intrigued by the elf and so we attempted to pursue him, we were able to follow to the town square, but it was overcrowded by the looming oppression of people stopping to stare at something in the centre of the square.
To my disgust there in the centre was a family, masked as plaster donkeys being publicly scorned in within the unforgiving stocks.
We left, with the metal note to return to the tormented family.
With plans to return to the Inn, we came across the toy shop mentioned to us earlier. Blinsky, the toymaker and his shop, a carnival of oddities, embraced us with the enthusiasm, welcoming guests to a peculiar yet morbid circus, toys each more disconcerting than the last, all bespoke the unsettling nature of Barovia, but amongst it all, a doll mirroring the visage of Ireena herself. Blinsky informed us the doll was a request of guard by the name of Izac.
Morbid curiosity – I purchased the puppet of Strahd.
Under the guise of seeking employment for more information we decided to pay the Burgormaster’s mansion a visit. Sensing shadows bearing downing on us within the walls of the mansion, the deliberate intention to unsettle us, Baron Vagus and his wife finally came to speak with us, seeming to believe our need for employment, offered small, odd jobs for the upcoming festival.
During our departure of the Manor we were met with the presents of Izak as the Baron’s wife invited us to return after fulfilling our assigns tasks.
Once more we encountered Rictavio, while out on our assignments, he spoke of the Vistani promising work only to abandon him to an unseen peril upon his arrival. His story cast more doubt in my head of the Vistani but the rest of my companions seem more trusting in them.
Rictavio enlightened us on mysterious purple lights coming from the Baron’s attic, a Lady Fiona Watcher, the enigma of Izak’s deformed arm but did not seem to want to divulge into his morning ritual.
From Rictavio’s tales, Lady Fiona Watcher became our next quest of information.
In the intricate conversation, we unfurled our purpose, knowing that the outside world was not a safe place for the direction of the conversation Lady Fiona welcomed us into her home, her aspirations came to light, an unspoken yearning for the Burgomaster’s mantle, a position she envisioned for herself. Yet, when Strahd was summoned into the conversation, her responses, a dance of shadows, hinted at allegiances left unspoken.
We are currently residing back in the sanctuary of The Blue Water Inn, we are all feeling plagued with conspiracies and decisions.
In Your Light,