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Thu 18th Jan 2024 04:44

Journal #7

by Ankha

Dearest RK,
In the shadowed heart of Vallaki, where the macabre dance of power unfolds, I found myself entwined in the strands of your divine oath.
It was not just Izek's blood that stained my hands, but the ink of justice inscribed upon the canvas of oppression. As his form crumpled beneath our collective might, I saw it not as an act of brutality, but as the cleaving strike of retribution.
The family, confined in the cruel stocks for nothing more than the crime of “malicious unhappiness,” became witnesses to a spectacle of defiance. With rations in their hands and the promise of safety guiding them home, I discerned a nod of approval in the ethereal winds. I felt, that in freeing them, I was not just following the tenets of my oath but scribing a chapter in the annals of justice.
May my deeds be the hymns that resound in your ears, echoing through the divine tapestry of our shared purpose. Let my blade be the instrument of righteousness and may the liberated souls bear witness to the triumph of your eternal justice.
In Your Light,