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17th of Sintalis 2642

(session 13)

by Xefy Moleva

17th of Sintalis 2642 (short rest 1): We encountered three ships of the shadowhunters. They had us pull over and we talked with them. They were looking to recruit us, and they also appeared to look for a Dark Scrying crystal, or something like that. I think that crystal was the one we got from the ghost ship just a bit ago. I think Ursula used it and scryed on them, because they noticed the scrying. I brought up Raymond, but he is completely unable to lie, it seems. I don't believe they thought it was him. We came upon the lighthouse we were headed for. It looks like some sort of battle took place. We pulled a dozen or so people out of the water alive, none were in good shape. We charged the lighthouse under fire from something, and made landing.

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  1. (Session 1)
    4th of Saintally
  2. (Session 2)
  3. (Session 3)
    8th of Sintalis 2642
  4. (session 4)
    9th of Sintalis 2642
  5. (session 5)
    9th of Sintalis 2642
  6. (session 6)
    10th of Sintalis 2642
  7. (session 7)
    10-11th of Sintalis 2642
  8. Notes
  9. (session 8)
  10. (session 9)
  11. (session 10)
  12. (Session 11)
  13. (Session 12)
    16th of Sintalis 2642
  14. (session 13)
    17th of Sintalis 2642
  15. (session 14)
    17th of Sintalis 2642
  16. (session 15)
    17th of Sintalis 2642
  17. (session 16)
    17th of Sintalis 2642
  18. (session 17)
    17th of Sintalis 2642
  19. (Session 18)
  20. (session 19)
  21. Session 20
    19th of Sintalis 2642