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9th of Sintalis 2642

(session 4)

by Xefy Moleva

I just got to bed on our fourth night of our journey, and I was rudely awakened by crewmates yelling. We beat up some crab things, apparently one of our group memebers is hunted by a hag (fun), and I finally got some sleep. I had an uneventful watch.
9th of Sintalis 2642: This morning I started up some fishing, and the crew was saying that the captain wasn't here yet. The captain appears to have gone missing, time to search the ship for clues. Tobias (the first mate) was talking my ear off about his crane, he was pulled away to go check on some other passengers, I never even noticed them in the first place. I helped Daji search the captains quarters, Looks like signs point to Forn'Adow for some impromptu meeting. We headed to port Norran to re-stock and gather information.

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  1. (Session 1)
    4th of Saintally
  2. (Session 2)
  3. (Session 3)
    8th of Sintalis 2642
  4. (session 4)
    9th of Sintalis 2642
  5. (session 5)
    9th of Sintalis 2642
  6. (session 6)
    10th of Sintalis 2642
  7. (session 7)
    10-11th of Sintalis 2642
  8. Notes
  9. (session 8)
  10. (session 9)
  11. (session 10)
  12. (Session 11)
  13. (Session 12)
    16th of Sintalis 2642
  14. (session 13)
    17th of Sintalis 2642
  15. (session 14)
    17th of Sintalis 2642
  16. (session 15)
    17th of Sintalis 2642
  17. (session 16)
    17th of Sintalis 2642
  18. (session 17)
    17th of Sintalis 2642
  19. (Session 18)
  20. (session 19)
  21. Session 20
    19th of Sintalis 2642