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8th of Sintalis 2642

(Session 3)

by Xefy Moleva

Someone mentioned that the ship was probably starting to go under, so I started looting. I found a set and a half of silverware, a Kraken tooth, and a bottle of alcohol. I also helped Zimmi pull out some stuff from a trapdoor. We got back to our ship, and I shot the ship and started it on fire. I was firing at dynamite, but i couldn't hit it. I did successfully set it on fire, though. We asked the skeleton thing we killed some questions. I didn't really understand what was going on, probably based on some quest they were given. We found some fancy gold coins in a chest we looted. One of the party members showed me a secret note as part of the booty. It had the name Lyra Rodriguez, the captain of the ship that was formerly set ablaze.

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  1. (Session 1)
    4th of Saintally
  2. (Session 2)
  3. (Session 3)
    8th of Sintalis 2642
  4. (session 4)
    9th of Sintalis 2642
  5. (session 5)
    9th of Sintalis 2642
  6. (session 6)
    10th of Sintalis 2642
  7. (session 7)
    10-11th of Sintalis 2642
  8. Notes
  9. (session 8)
  10. (session 9)
  11. (session 10)
  12. (Session 11)
  13. (Session 12)
    16th of Sintalis 2642
  14. (session 13)
    17th of Sintalis 2642
  15. (session 14)
    17th of Sintalis 2642
  16. (session 15)
    17th of Sintalis 2642
  17. (session 16)
    17th of Sintalis 2642
  18. (session 17)
    17th of Sintalis 2642
  19. (Session 18)
  20. (session 19)
  21. Session 20
    19th of Sintalis 2642