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The Order of the Evermother while I was at Redgrave.

by Colette Dumont

On the seventh day of the week all of the girls would be taken to the church for a service. The route to this church went past The Monastery of the Evermother, where the Monk Order of the Evermother would train.
Watching these monks train while walking to the church was my favourite part of the week.
After my 13th birthday, when I was allowed to spend my rec time outside of Redgrave, it became a habit of mine to go down to the monastery and just observe the monks. It was so amazing to watch, they were so graceful and yet so strong. I was enamoured with the idea of my body being a weapon as powerful as a blade (like Ilyana's dagger), and how, even though I was physically smaller than a lot of the older girls (that is true no longer, I spent time training my body), I could use my finesse to beat them physically.
After two weeks of watching the monks train in the gardens through a gap in the wall, a monk noticed me watching. I tried to run but he caught up to me with un-humanoid speed and caught my by the back of my dress. He introduced himself as Monk Julian and questioned why I was lurking.
When I explained that I was interested and had no ill intentions he lit up. He offered to let me step into the gardens to watch the training so I could have a better view. For the next two weeks this is what I did.
After that, Monk Julian started to let me join in with the fight training. I spent a whole year perfecting my unarmed strike.
When that was perfected Monk Julian offered me to join the monastery's training programme for real, as he believed I had what it took.
I would have to practice the spiritual side as well as the physical side, which I was not too excited about, but I agreed to join.
When joining I had to pick which monastic tradition I wanted to follow - the Order of the Evermother in Ravenspeak is very large, and they teach many different ways. I chose the way of the drunken master, being enthralled by the unique technique they employed. I was drawn to the idea of looking completely harmless then being able to strike very scary speed and precision.
The monks that follow the way of the drunken master all wear clothing that works as a recognisable tie to the Evermother while still being completely unique to the individual.
Due to other circumstances I was not allowed out of Redgrave for a week (luckily Monk Julian understood my situation and was always sympathetic when I failed to turn up to things, understanding that if it were up to me I would be there more and it was simply circumstance preventing me) but when I returned Monk Julian had prepared an official welcome ceremony for me, and had gotten me my own habit (what the monks call their outfit).
It is embarrassing to admit but when I put on the garments I had been given I wept with happiness. It was the first time I was able to wear something that was not Redgrave's ugly, uncomfortable uniform dress. For the first time I felt like an individual, and not a part of institution. The habit included: a plain green top with a high neck and no sleeves, a plain brown pair of harem trousers, and bandages to wrap my hands and feet (my habit has since evolved past this simple one designed for children).
I spent the next 4 years learning about unarmoured defence, honing my unarmed attack and understanding the spiritual side of the order. It wasn't until the last year of that section of training that I began to pay attention to, and really appreciate, the spiritual side. While I would now say I follow the Evermother I know I am not as devout, or regard her as highly, as many of the other monks do.
The teachings on my order focus largely around the self. They are about making sure the self is in top form, and is prioritised. You are expected to make your body, mind and soul all completely in tune with one another.
As my 18th birthday approached it was decided that when I left Redgrave I would move into the monastery full time. I was given a teacher, Monk Andreas, and was told that I would begin my journey with ki.
I celebrated my 18th birthday by swearing my vows to The Order of the Evermother. I picked the vows of Light, Courage, and Loyalty. I had elected Monk Andreas as my Trusted One since I would be studying ki under him. Since I would be spending the majority of my time with him, he thought it was the best idea for him to be my Trusted One.
The same day I moved out of Redgrave and into The Monastery of the Evermother.