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My time living at the Monastery of the Evermother.

by Colette Dumont

I moved into the monastery at 18.
I spent the next two years developing my relationship with ki and working with Monk Andreas.
I was taught all of the abilities that an understanding of ki will one day unlock for me. I started to become hyper aware of the force of ki in my body and in other's and learnt how to effectively use it.
Although I still spent plenty of time training with Monk Julian I learnt everything about ki from Monk Andreas - Monk Julian was an expert combatant whereas Monk Andreas was an expert at ki.
Monk Andreas was my ki master and Trusted One but I actually did most of my practising with Monk Laverna.
Monk Andreas was harsh but fair. He did not mistreat me the way Redgrave had. I was no longer physically punished for things and I ate better than I did at Redgrave. I learned that meals are usually eaten three times a day. I still slept in a dormitory but nights were easier, there was far less crying. Everything was going well.
Even though I was living and training there full time I was still allowed to make an income, I was still allowed to go to the town when I pleased. For the first time I had a solid collection of my own belongings. The life of a monk at The Temple of the Evermother is not the dreary, boring, spiritual life you think of when you think of monk.
The Monastery of the Evermother has a winery attached. The winery give out free wine to the people of Ravenspeak and produced fine wine for trade and export. The winery was aligned with the monastery but most of the employees were not monks. I worked there in my free time for a small amount of pay.
There had recently been another young girl from Redgrave who had been seen watching the monks who was invited in the way I had been. her presence (her name was Joy) had sparked a debate as to whether the monastery should open its doors to local children who wanted to learn, and people were leaning towards yes (I like to think it was because I had been such a success).
Around 4 months before Elias came back into my life everything changed for me at the monastery.
It was late and I was seeking out Monk Andreas to ask if we could dedicate the next day to training in the art of the slow fall, as I felt I was ready to start my new ki ability. As I approached I hear that he was already talking to someone. I was going to turn away when I realised he was talking to Joy. I stopped to listen.
I overheard Monk Andreas suggesting some unsavoury things to Joy. I interrupted (I didn't actually witness anything happen), and told Andreas I would report him.
The higher-ups were completely on my side. Monk Andreas was expelled permanently from the monastery and the plan to open the doors to the local children was delayed while safety plans were created.
Unfortunately for me, Monk Andreas was my Trusted One. By whistleblowing on him I broke my vow of loyalty. I had to give up almost all of the possessions I had accumulated. I was left with

  • My clothes

  • My short sword (one of a kind, its a special monastery one)

  • My coin purse (handmade and gifted by Monk Laverna) (it did have to be emptied)

  • My mother's amulet

  • My cloak (warm enough for winter, cool enough for summer)

  • I had to give up so many of my things, my travelling gear, all of my money, the clothes I was wearing when I fled Corsari, my dolly Bella. All of that was lost. I very had to quickly undo all of the sentimentality I had built up.
    Learning what Andreas did broke my trust in the Order. I still believed, I still had my vows. I just didn't feel comfortable living there anymore. So I left.