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Spring, 517

The day Corsari was attacked, as I remember it.

by Colette Dumont

Word that Corsari was being attacked reached mother and father just as the beast arrived on the other side of town. My parents instructed Helena, the nanny, to help me flee. I believe they also asked Elias to flee with us but he wished to stay and fight.

We ran for a long time. I do not know if I was the only child that escaped the town although I was the only one who escaped in the direction that we went.

We eventually arrived in Ravenspeak, the nearest city to our village. I was left at the Redgrave Orphanage for Girls by Helena. She told me she would return in a couple days with my parents so I could be bought home.

I was taken in by Matron Winterson who bathed me, clothed me and cut all my hair. I could tell even that early on that she was a witch.

Helena returned in a couple days although my parents did not. Helena explained that their bodies were found - they would not be able to pick me up. I was to remain here.

Elias was the only villager not accounted for. A small few made it out alive and every other body had been found.

Helena told me that Elias may come and collect me one day, seeing as the likelihood was that he was alive.

From there, I was alone.