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Mon 5th Oct 2020 06:21

#2 A Raven's Departure

by Arrai Sahazar

The Principal Performers:
Arrai Sahazar, Varis, Davric, Sir Martin, Aidoneus Luc, Luis
Supporting Cast:

  • Gathan - The Tragedy

  • Angharad - Half Elf Musician

  • Katrine - The Unfortunate

  • Quarion - Barrel Surprise

  • Morgan - Katrine's Father

  • Egos Mithmirelen - Guard Captain of Kardan

  • Gonethin Laranonel - Kardan Guard Escort

  • Eris Dlaralthor - Kardan Guard Escort

  • Creepy 'Raven Queen' Priest

  • Another day rises. The guards that specialize in forensics showed up and went over the scene. They found an elvish earring around the barrel. The party decided to split up and do some more investigating before we headed to the Stumps. Varis, Davric, and Luc go to Morgan, Katrine's father.
    Sir Martin, Luis, and I head to the Raven Queen's temple to try to find divine assistance to handle the undead. We stood briefly in the entrance as it appeared to be some sort of sermon in progress. Listening in was startling to say the least, they did not have the typical message of the Raven Queen. Instead they were speaking of life after death rather than it being a proper end, and how your loved ones will be there for you after death, and so on in the same vein. Possibly to the point of encouraging undeath without outright saying it that I can recall. It was a very different, if not directly opposite set of beliefs to what normally it is said the Raven Queen espouses. I warned the others that something didn't seem right, we agreed to go back to the others since if we confronted them then we'd have been severely outnumbered.
    As we walked towards where the others were, Sir Martin asked me about my beliefs because of my knowledge of the Raven Queen. I explained that I'm not particularly pious, just well learned. And if there was one of the pantheon who I might cast a prayer to on the rare occasion, it'd be Sehanine and not the Raven Queen. I have some measure of respect for the one that looks over the acts one might take in moonlight.
    We gathered back up with the rest of the party and the others discovered some more clues at Morgan's. It seemed Katrine was normally quite demure but recently became flirtatious overnight. She did have a rose perfume, and her brother Petor revealed that he had seen her and Gathan kissing at the Stumps. We took our new knowledge to the guard captain, a man by the name of Egos Mithmirelen. Varis and Luc went in to brief him on all we had found out. The captain was in a meeting with some sort of lord, so the briefing was short. He assigned a couple of guards to assist us with our investigation. Their names were Gonethin Laranonel and Eris Dlaralthor.
    On our way to leave the town, we stopped in at Quarion's to do a quick look around. We found a table set for two for dinner in the abandoned home. Luis and I checked the bedroom which looked like it had been prepared for a night in, but not been used. Luis found a pocket watch, and I managed to pick up some loose change. The whole place seemed like a date that had been interrupted.
    We continued on to the temple after we explained to the others the strangeness there. Luc is a follower of the Raven Queen and wished to speak with the priest. Luc and I talk with the priest and Luc asked for a tour, which the priest gave, though it was but a quick walk about the very public area rather than deeper in to the temple. He asked the priest for some holy water, which the priest gave us freely. That alone is strange enough, but then he said that it might not work on this particular undead. I believe the man was lying to us and gave us just plain water. As we were leaving the temple, Davric quickly walked up to us and followed us out. I hadn't seen him enter with us.
    We met up with the others and the guards near the town gates. Davric had snuck deeper in to the temple while we kept the priest occupied and ran in to something decidedly unpleasant in the dark stairwell leading down below the temple. The guards were fairly new to the town and didn't know if the current priest is new or anything else noteworthy about the temple. As we left the town, Luis opted to stay behind to keep an eye on things while we were gone.
  • Items Gained: Some Loose Change from Quarion's (5 Silver).

  • Items Lost: