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Fri 27th Nov 2020 08:16

The Personas

by Arrai Sahazar

A piece of parchment contains Arrai's notes on personas he's created for his Disguise Self spell.

  • Davmar Cross (Human Merchant)

  • A nondescript human male of average height and build, blue eyes, pale skin, with light brown hair and a mustache. Well kept and middling handsome, his clothes appear to be of higher cost. Not at the level of a noble, but perhaps a successful merchant. Swathed in browns and blacks, the only touch of color is a red cape trimmed in gold. A large pouch on his belt appears to be for coins, and a leatherbound paper case for notes from banks and contracts hangs near it.
  • Garth Tesren (Human Commoner)

  • Another nondescript human male of average height and build, dark brown eyes, tan skin, with black hair and a very bushy beard. Pustules and rashes cover this man's exposed skin, what little can be seen between the great abundance of rags that cover him from the top of his head to his swathed feet. His hands are wrapped in rags and they hang about his head from the hood of his garments, obscuring his features even more.