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Fri 27th Nov 2020 07:03

#6 Soothing the Worm

by Arrai Sahazar

The Principal Performers:
Arrai Sahazar, Varis, Sir Martin, Luis

Supporting Cast:

  • Shalareal - The Healer Natural

  • Gathan - Bard of Weariness Extraordinaire

  • Ezrah - Best Bird

  • That evening we returned to the inn with Shalareal and joined the others at their table. She explained how she would be joining us in our next foray to the Stumps. Out of curiosity, I inquired as to where she had caught sight of the creature she turned in to for her duel with Luis. I know a bit about druidic magics and for her to turn in to such a beast, she'd have to seen it in person. With a bit of surprise at the question from a non-druid, she asks if we had ever been to the Jungle of Fangs. I haven't, but I have heard of it and she adds to my knowledge that there are many beasts there such as the one she turned in to and a city lost to time itself. She suggests we never go there if we can help it.
    She asks why we're looking for the Glaistig and if it has to do with the nightmares people are having. I reply that they very likely are connected but not directly. The others ask how long she has been in town, perhaps a bit suspicious of her intent. She has been in Kardan for approximately three years. I mention to the others that there was a man spying on us going to the healer so I believe she can be trusted. And confirmed with Varis that it was most likely the same man who was eavesdropping on us before. The other's inquire about her feelings towards the temple and if Luc's devoutness would be a problem for her. Her response is that she's seen us help strangers with no reward and that from what she's seen, we are decent people.
    As we settle in for the evening, I explain to Shalareal about the code words and their need in regards to the Glaistig. Varis seems to be distracted by someone but nothing comes of it that I could tell. I retire for the evening and have no nightmares from what I can remember.
    We gather in the morning and everyone passes the test of the code word so it's unlikely the Glaistig is among us. While we are speaking over breakfast, there was an odd exchange between Shalareal and Varis. Something to do with what he poured in to his coffee from his flask? Perhaps Varis has some ties to royalty from what i could glean but it is of no matter at the moment. We decide on a new code word for the day, "Jungle Lizard", and prepare to travel back out to the Stumps.
    We traveled to the clearing. As we're looking about the clearing for clues, I notice that the boulder in the center is covered in arcane runes. The same boulder that the Glaistig was attacking the traveler against. It seems that the place is ritual site for severing the soul from the body. Very deep dark necromantic magic. I cast Detect Magic but it doesn't seem as if the boulder is active. Perhaps the two are related.
    Sir Martin knows from his education of history that this area is important to Ossum, a goliath turned demi-god of sorts in the old world. This is near the area of their succession event, a massive battle that they fought at. An event of that level, a divine ascension, could cause a rift in the environment. They were a necromancer on their way to becoming a lich. So this area is rumored to be very important for undead, very personal. Refer to the “Desolation of Ossum”
    Sir Martin and Varis catch scent of rose perfume leading towards the north. We head that direction, which also seems to be the direction of the ring of the stones on the map that Katrine drew.
    At the new location, there are rocky cliffs and we notice music playing. The music sounds as if whoever's playing is extremely tired. I nearly fall over the blasted cliff, but I manage to catch myself and cast Mage Armor in preparation. Sir Martin isn't so lucky and falls to the bottom, but Luis is able to cast Feather Fall on them so that they aren't hurt. The ground begins to rumble from the noise, and the music gets desperately louder. Luis ties a rope and they make their way down the cliff to where Sir Martin's at. Sir Martin boldly makes their way towards the music and the rumbling grows louder. I climb down the rope and quietly as possible begin whistling my Bladesong. Unfortunately, my whistling carries in the canyon louder than I anticipated and yet the rumbling.... stopped. We make our way through the brush at the base of the cliffs and come out in to a large canyon. In the center of the canyon on top of a small hill surrounded by a ring of stones is the quarry that brought us to this town to begin with, Gathan. He appears to have gone days without sleep and is playing away on his instrument as if it's the only thing keeping him going. Luis begins to play the song that Gathan is playing and the 'stone circle' moves underground and rises up around Luis... The damn thing is the worm's teeth! Sir Martin arrives at where Gathan is and asks them what's going on. Gathan doesn't answer but keeps playing, motioning for us to leave. Shalareal arrives next after having transformed into another animal to prepare for possible battle.
    I go to where the others are and use Message to ask Gathan if he's using the music to keep the worm calm. Gathan says very tersely yes. Rather than try to fight the beast that tore through that other adventuring party like they were nothing, I ask Ezrah to start mimic'ing the bard's music as he flies to the south. After a tense moment, the rocks/worm teeth start following Ezrah. I motion for the others to leave and take the time to search the area for clues. There are a number of skeletons on the hill, leavings from the worm's past meals most likely. Shalareal casts a spell on Gathan that turns him in to mist. And those that came down in to the canyon make their way up the cliff, but that stubbornly brave Sir Martin refuses to leave me behind. I found no clues but managed to gather twenty gold for my trouble which I split with the knight for staying behind as we make our way back to the cliff. Ezrah has done his best to keep the monster's attention but it wavers at times and it has made its way back towards us.
    Before it could reach us, Varis stood in the path of the creature. The man changed. His eyes became an unnatural blood red hue with a predatory gleam and the skin began to crack around them, shadows seemed to flow around him and the barrel of his gun smoldered. All of us around him could see this change, but it did not seem to bother the worm.
    I commanded Ezrah to sing louder and he managed to distract the worm as we retreat. We make it back to the horses and it doesn't seem like the worm is following us out of the canyon, so I summoned Ezrah back to the safety of my shoulder. He deserves something special once we get back to town. Gathan looks exhausted, like he hasn't been able to sleep or eat for days. The party stops to check him over and it seems like he's about to die. Luis asks Shalareal to use the charm on him. She uses the charm to work her magic on him and he seems better, at least no longer like he's on death's door.
    The party decides to set up camp to allow the bard to rest. I cast prestidigitation to clean up Gathan and offer to take the first watch.
  • Items Gained: 20 Gold (10 to Sir Martin).

  • Items Lost: None.