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Thu 15th Oct 2020 07:33

#5 Safewords and Giant Lizards

by Arrai Sahazar

The Principal Performers:
Arrai Sahazar, Varis, Davric, Sir Martin, Aidoneus Luc, Luis
Supporting Cast:

  • Shalareal - The Healer Natural

  • Shady Elf - Blonde Elf Male Spying on Party

  • We awoke at the Hungry Fool (the inn) none the worse for wear, though some didn't sleep particularly well. The party discussed our next steps over breakfast. I decided it best to point out before we began planning, that one of us may have been taken over by the Glaistig in our sleep. Questioning each other about our first meeting seemed to be prudent to ensure that we all had our memories and I thought it best that we think up a password of some kind for the next morning, something that we can keep secret and change after each rest to ensure that we haven't been compromised. Inspired by one of our dreams, the nonsense word "Pyramidpickles" was decided upon, which I proceeded to Message each party member with to ensure that it would not be overheard by the creature if it was indeed around.
    I shared the adventurer's note with the others, and I stressed that I believed such a creature would likely kill us in one bite if we were to try to fight it at our current strength. Luis shared what they learned in the night. When I met them after leaving the archives, it seems they were scouting around the temple. They discovered a strange bulge in the architecture at the back of the temple that connects it with the town wall. Perhaps a secret entrance of some manner. They also discovered the timing between the guard patrols. As we deliberate on what to do, Varis abruptly chooses to leave to do some research of their own. One of the others mention that there likely had been someone listening in to us who left when the temple was brought up. I attempted and failed to see where they or Varis went and returned to the common room. Sir Martin decided to leave to try to catch up with Varis, they were now clad in the dead guard's plate mail hidden beneath their cloak and tabard. Before they left, I asked if they needed their old chain mail or if I could sell it for the party. They acquiesced, so Luis, Davric, and I headed towards the market to sell what random items we'd picked up so far. Before we arrived at the blacksmith, I paused in a nearby alley to cast Distort Value on both sets of chain mail that we did not need. A bit of magical spit and polish never hurt anyone after all, and our party would need the gold before long.
    Luis managed to get a good deal for the armor and the other dead guard supplies that I felt it safe to part with. I divvied up the profits, making sure that Davric got their horse fee paid back as I always take care of my debts. We met back up with the others at the inn where I handed out the gold, after parting with some of my own to make it a more even split. Varis and Sir Martin were back at the inn and we moved to a private room to discuss our next steps to lessen the chance of being spied on. Sir Martin and Varis explain what they found out, namely that Greater Restoration (or Shalareal's charm) is the only way to kick the Glaistig out of a host. And that the temple had recent renovations done that might be explained by the adding of an entrance. While I'd prefer to take care of the more immediate threat of the Glaistig, I also pointed out that the Worm is attracted to music, and that we might be able to lure it away from it's nest to rescue Gathan using it. Luis, Davric, and I choose to head to Shalareal's to see if she'd be willing to part with her charm before we head back to the clearing we found Katrine at. If she kept bringing people there while under the Glaistig's influence, there is a possibility that the creature's lair is near there and that we can defeat it for good before moving on to the Worm.
    At Shalareal's, Luis greets her as she's closing up her shop for the evening. I and Davric are formally introduced and Davric produces a bottle of rum which piques the healer's interest. As we enter the building to speak with her more privately, I took a careful look around the street and discovered that we were being spied on. I sent Ezrah in a wide loop around to land over the shadowy figure's hiding spot, and through their eyes I was able to see a male elf in common clothes. Their hair was blonde and fairly long, about midway down the back. They had tanned weathered skin like a laborer and wore a brown coat. After we entered the building and had closed the door, they waited around for about ten minutes or so before they headed towards the temple. Rather than alarm the healer, I've chosen to wait until the party is back together to tell the others.
    As Luis, Davric, and I settle in with Shalareal, Davric produces a number of collapsible cups which he fills with the rum. It is quite good and Davric says it is from the Night's Shore. I wonder and then Shalareal confirms with a question of her own that Davric is originally from that area. Luis broaches the topic of Shalareal's charm and tries to convince them to part with it. They do not want to as it could possibly save someone's life at the town while we have it. Rather than parting with it, they suggest that they come with us to deal with the Glaistig. I am against taking someone who cannot defend themselves out with us and say as much. When pressed, Shalareal reveals that she is proficient with a wide array of already on hand weaponry and Luis suggests a friendly duel. Davric believed that would not be a good idea but I'd prefer someone tested than a potential liability. We moved out to the city street where they squared off for their duel. Shalareal promptly changes shape in to a large and quite frankly terrifying lizard and did quite a bit of damage to Luis before Davric and I intervened. This was after Luis made a magnificent leap on to Shalareal's lizard back in the alleyway, which nearly made the entire situation worth it in my opinion. With that cleared up, we headed back to the inn with Shalareal to meet the others and get more drinks.
  • Items Gained: None.

  • Items Lost: Black Chain Mail, Sir Martin's Chain Mail, Ruby and Peridot both worth 5 Gold Each, Backpack, Bedroll, Mess Kit, Tinderbox, 10 Torches, 5 Rations.

  • Party Fund Distribution Notes:
    232 Gold Total from Selling Items
    8 Gold from Arrai's Funds are Added to Bring it to 240 Gold, or 40 Gold for Each Party Member. 3 Extra Gold is Given to Davric to Cover Arrai's Horse Fee from Earlier.