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Thu 18th Mar 2021 10:39

The simplest of places...

by Thazarr De'jassan

The simplest of places can oftentimes award the richest of bounties.
W1e crossed the border nearly a week ago, there our Holy Warrior set off South to complete his pilgrimage. I doubt it's the last we'll see of him, but for now we are but four, destined to carry our golden secret ever further East in search of answers.
We made North along the road to Nevapoint, a quiet coastal town atop a high cliff. The surrounding farmlands offered us little respite, but it was here we encountered a curious Gnome. Her dwelling and appearance seemed somewhat Outlandish, she clearly wasn't local. She had nothing to trade, but seemed cordial enough. Much to my companions chagrin her skills were in the musical arts, never had I heard such clever use of sound! It was her mention of a stranger on the road a few days past however, and of a book he carried that peaked our interest, the description she offered could only be that of the book of shadows, the one from my visions. The path had been laid out before me!
Having errands of her own to run, Floxi joined us for the last leg of our journey to Nevapoint.
Here the local folk seemed ordinary. No trouble, danger or strife seemed to be present and the innkeeper of the Laughing Pearl confirmed as much. After a brief conversation we hired the available lodgings and he mentioned the town leader Richard was currently dealing with a half elf in cataloguing the towns history. Dewgaze and I went to meet them, we introduced ourselves and we were genially welcomed, but they offered little of interest, other than that we should probably avoid Lady Zibbs, the towns unofficial Oracle.
Returning to the Pearl to find our companions, Harstork and I learned that the stranger carrying the book was last seen heading to the cliffs a day ago, and we learned the location of Lady Zibbs. Floxi, our Gnomish friend knew of Zibbs, and offered to accompany me to her abode. We did so as the rest of our group went to find clues on this stranger.
Zibbs was fascinating, she allowed us in after Floxi promised not to play any music - maybe they were a band and split due to musical differences?
Zibbs allowed us to sit in her darkened home, and she performed a ritual with her crystals. She spoke of the cosmos and spoke of patience. She said that the book both could, and could not be seen and that it had been used to make a bargain with the sea. Damned Riddles in the dark!
I paid her handsomely for her help, and as we left, Floxi played some stirring sounds on her drum that we danced to fervently, all the way back to the Inn.
The next morning we awoke to the sounds of screaming, and townsfolk rushing towards the cliffs where only yesterday no clues could be discovered, I grabbed my staff and cloak, and we made our way outside into the morning sunlight. The screams were coming from the shore at the foot of the cliffs. We peered down and overheard the crowds panicked words. The bodies of five children lay there on the rocks and sands. Drowned. "Hags! Hags! Hags!" were the words being cried.
A bargain with the sea indeed...
I moved away from the cliff edge and saw Lady Zibbs who just looked at me knowingly. And then all around, people were staring. they were looking at me...