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Wed 28th Jul 2021 07:11

Journal entry, The Pyramid of Anu-Asir (Continued)

by Barian Thornheart

(Session 6)
By all the gods. I cannot believe the absolute mockery of a functional team I have been saddled with. Whilst I was writing in my journal last, the local boy, Rhaza, decided to enter the treasure room and take the magical gem. This caused a trap to spring and start pouring sand into the room with him. The area above the doorway came loose and made to seal him within the quickly filling room. Thanks to my good reaction speed, I was able to assist the dragonborn and the inquisitor in holding the door for him to escape. They may say that they did all the work, but without my quick assistance and quicker wit, they wouldn't have been able to get to the door, much less hold it. However, the inherent flaw of this group became apparent as shortly after Rhaza left the room, the woman let go and allowed the dragonborn to be injured and trapped on the other side of the door with the room filling. While I will admit that I do not care for this "Sobek", I will not needlessly waste flesh that can be used for other purposes, so I led the team in breaking the large stone door and rescuing him from his untimely death. After this excitement, we decided to exit the temple and rest for the night. I am not privy to the goings on of the rest of the group, but I'm aware that they took the large lizard to a lizard doctor - someone who can treat his kind. After all, they are more animal than man and surely require the type of medical aid provided more by a veterinarian than a true man of medicine. The lizard doctor must know his trade well, because the oaf was well enough in the morning to proceed.
The second time we entered the temple we decided to check the other door in the first hall. It led to a hallway and chamber the mirror of the other side. When we checked the mirror of the room where we combatted the ashling beasts we found a room that looked to be for the purpose of harvesting poison from snakes. Interesting but not fascinating. One of the party members has an ability to notice ambient magic in the area and found that the center of the ruin may be magic, so we walked down the hallway, but this farce of a true adventuring party had no-one to search for mundane traps and Trystan, the Inquisitor, was crushed by a falling slab of stone. Presently we are in the room at the far end, looking at a puzzle of some sort and I'm doing my best to provide assistance to the.. less brilliant ones in the group.