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Fri 25th Jun 2021 02:35

Journal entry, The Pyramid of Anu-Asir

by Barian Thornheart

(Session 4)
As we set foot in the tomb, I recognized that this place is forsaken - like the rest of the ruins. There were statues of sacrifice and strange fish-headed people along the walls and murals of long forgotten stories telling tales of woe to all who observed them. As we entered the central chamber we discovered the direction that the previous group travelled, so we headed in that direction. We soon stumbled upon their corpses, slashed and bled, with a trail of blood leading to one of the doors. As I have become a de facto leader of this group (they need a strong willed noble to lead them) I decided that we should follow the blood trail, lest the attackers come upon us later and cause us to befall a similar fate. Better to be the hunter than the hunted as Master Duscan used to say. We discovered an offshoot to the hallway and a room with four sarcophagi on the ceiling. The unfortunate souls were staked to the ceiling in their respective sarcophagus, and it caused me to appreciate the pain they must have endured as they were suspended and being forced to support their body weight in their final moments. Seems a fitting way to dispose of traitors - perhaps I'll remember this when I take vengeance for our family's shame. Beyond that room there was a small chamber that was populated by what appeared to be students with artifacts. Thinking that these may have been some of those we were sent after, Rhaza attempted to speak to them, but before any explanations were forthcoming we were attacked! I charged into the room, as Master Duscan used to say that a slow warrior was a dead warrior, and skewered the first one of them that I saw, however the Leader of these people cast a spell and transformed it into some sort of Ash clad creature of darkness. The battle ensued and the foes were vanquished. We rested and spent some time taking these relics to the entrance. The silly Foreman thought he'd trick us into giving up part of our money, but I taught him not to underestimate a noble from the baronies.
After getting the boxes to the entrance, we descended deeper into the tomb and found a room with several burning torches and six cat-like statues. I examined the statues and found them to be exquisitely crafted. Rhaza found a door and decided it needed opening, but when he touched it the statues came to life and attacked. I was on my guard and was able to warn my companions and the fight was on. Trystan, the warrior woman was mortally wounded near the end of the battle, but the gift of my benefactor was able to revive her, at the expense of my own well being. I told her not to do it again. We opened the door to the room which triggered the guardians and found a treasure trove with many chests of loot for the taking and a large blue gem on a dais.