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Thu 24th Jun 2021 10:00

Excerpt from Barian's Journal: dated one week after arriving in Ashqar

by Barian Thornheart

I'm fed up with this godforsaken blister on the gods' respective asses. Its always intolerably hot during the day, or insufferably cold at night. All of the sleeping quarters are nothing more than long pillows on the ground and provide no support or comfort. I do not understand why anyone would want to live in this cesspool of ignorance and filth. Sand is a daily thing here and nothing is clean - at least nothing that I've seen. The conditions of this city "Ashqar" are truely reprehensible - and I've just returned from somewhere... darker. The one saving grace of this land is that the name Thornheart holds little recognition or shame because of it's foreign nature. If people knew who I was, I would have to be afforded some level of respect, if in fear - if anything, but I will carry on my quest. I will recover the face of the Thornheart line and give the nations reason to fear and respect my family.
Today I traveled to the company of one of Uncle Leander's old "friends" but she would not see me. Apparently Aafsa Haidar has become the leader of Golden Falcon Antiquities and is too important to see such an important scion as I. She is a fool. A Fool, but a rich one. In order to secure a meeting, I am being forced to journey as a Guard in a research caravan to the abandoned city of Anu-Asir. Apparently, there have been attacks lately and muscle is needed. As I have been trained by the best in the Baronies, I feel that I am well prepared for this journey, but I do take offense at the casual way that Aafsa has brushed me off as an underling. ......