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Thu 24th Jun 2021 09:44

Excerpt from the private journal of Barian Thornhart, three weeks prior to his journey to Ashqar:

by Barian Thornheart

After the fall of Thistlefang keep, and subsequent imprisonment of Uncle Leander, the Thornhart family's position has been ruined. I, Barian Thornhart, wish to reclaim the prestige belonging to the Thornhart name - by any means necessary. The family's name has gone to the hells, so why shouldn't I? Uncle dearest used his privilege and position to experiment on captive prisoners, so why can't I use some "Old Family Contacts" to try to reclaim what is rightfully ours? His role in the fall of Baron-Elect Moren has no strong appeal or interest to me, so he can rot in Henninger for all I care, but I want what was MINE by birth.