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Sat 25th Feb 2023 02:19

"Ranger"s diary, with only some help from Rakker

by "Ranger"

There is someone named Pheonix. She lives in Fuyukus body and sees through her eyes sometimes. Its sorta complicated and but it has to do with the gem in her head somehow. A few days ago Pheonix came out and refused to let Fuyuko come back. She barred Alices old place and broke her doors. We had to go get Alice from Ephery to get in. In there Alice and Moore confronted her. After some fighting and reading Pheonix mothers journal to her, we tried talking to her. I wanted to remind her about how she feelt for Moore and Alice but that made Moore all nervous. Apparently they hadnt actually talked about it with eachother yet. Anyway, the whole conversation made Pheonix break down and Fuyuko come back. Now shes been back and fourth now and then and I think Alice is trying to find a way to separate them through potions which she buys from that Cat Zky.
I met Pheonix on her way to Virk the other day. I was worried about Fuyus body so I asked to go with her and suprisingly she didnt disagree. She took me to see her grave, which is where I found out something.
Pheonix is Kyle.
Kyle as in Rakkers old friend. The one he killed.
At that point Rakker came running. He was very mad and worried for me for just walking into Virkhagen without him. I understand him, it wasnt very smart.
Together we visited Pheonixs old home. She talked about her mother, and then let Fuyu come while still in their old home. I dont know if she did it on purpose, but this did something to Fuyu. When she woke up she didnt remember us, and tried to fight us. After giving up on talking to her we returned home. Alice was there, and when we told her what had happend she got upset. She ran of towards Virk but as we were about to follow her, a raid broke out in Aremore. I don't know what caused it but we didnt have time to figure out. Rakker told me to follow Alice while he held of the raid. We didnt have time to talk about it.
After following Alice around for a while trying to find then fight then talk to Fuyu or Pheonix, I could finally return to Aremore to help with the raid.
But when we got back, It was already over.
The bodies of beasts and raiders where littered all over the town. Rakker was nowhere to be found.
I paniced for a second, before remembering the safe room. A room Rakker made in case he ever really need to calm down.
I rushed down there and found him in a corner.
He was shaking, and coverd in bood, mercifully not all his.
When he was me he told me to go away. He said he could be dangerous, and that he was a monster.
I felt horrible.
For scaring him by going of to Virk without telling him. For all of the things he has had to take care of since we started the festival. For leaving him alone here to deal with the raiders.
I kissed him. And apologised.
He turned all red in the face, I think this is a good thing?
It calmed him down.
We went outside together, did some farming, he asked me out. Things were fine again.
Not really, there is still plenty of trouble ahead we have to deal with, but atleast now i feel a bit better about dealing with them.
I like being around him.