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Wed 25th Jan 2023 06:42

"Ranger"s diary (written with the help of Rakker)

by "Ranger"

People have started to show up in the festival area. As well as buildings. I worry what will happen to the buildings when the festival is over and the people return home. Will we wrip them down? Will they just stand empty? I dont like either option, empty buildings are a bad omen, but so much here is in ruin already. So far its mostly Ephyrie who are building stuff, but I am watching carefully to see if things show up by Virkhages tent too.
Ive met some people from the other cities.
There is the thing made out of snow. Alice seems to have made friends with them. They say they are from Virkhagen which scared me at first but Alice said that they probably were created after the fires so at least there is that. They still unsettle me, they can disappear into snow and i dont like not knowing where they are. I will keep an eye on them.
I have also meet the Flower girl that apparently lives in Lucius(Fire guys) green house and does gardening for him. I dont really know how long she's lived there but if Lucius and Pheobe trust her then i do too. (They might be together now, if what Rakker heard is true)
The third person ive meet is someone that calls themselves "Witch Dancer" (finally a name i can understand). They said that they live in Ephyrie now but that they use to live with a tribe further north then Virkhagen, before they were wiped out. I didnt know there were cities more north then Virkhagen. He mentioned that he was worried about meeting someone from Virkhagen, a scientist, he called him "Hans right hand man". When he found out that we dont know who sent the invites he panicked. He worried it was a trap and said we have to prepare ourselves. He seemed alarmed they we didnt act more worried, that we haven't built defences or watchtowers. We tried to calm him down, say that we cant prepare for everything, no one is ever really safe and all that. It didnt seem to work. He will be building watchtowers in the Ephyrie area of the festival grounds, and suggested we do the same. While I appreciate the sentiment I dont think he understands what the situation is like here. He called our lack of defencees "positive thinking" but i dont think thats true. Not a day passes where I dont worry about the men coming back. I think its some sort of acceptance. Even if we built defenceses and watchtowers, who would man them? And if we saw danger coming, then what? i mean we'd put up a fight, sure, but we all know that if Virkhagen or Ephyrie or anything else really wanted to hurt us right now we wouldn't stand a chanse. The best we could hope for would be buying enough time that people could escape. I cant defend my friends and I cant defend my home. I know that already.
I wanted to scream that at him sometimes, when he went on about all the ways we are vulnerable. I know we are! but that do you want us to do?!
But Alice clearly got upset by what he said so I had to keep calm. I spoke to him afterwards, tried to make him understand, or maybe just feel better. I dont think it worked. I gave him permission to build the towerd in our area to if that might comfort him. He seems to have lost a lot at the hands of Hans, I guess it felt familiar, so meny people here have lost, i feel like ive grown use to how people sound when they are in pain.
The unfriendly friends attempted to raid Aremore today. We were lucky there were so many of us so we could fight them of pretty easily. Im not mad at them, they are no more evil then wolfs are for hunting rabbits, its in their nature.
Anyway all of the witch dancers talk of disaster has worsend my worries as well. I hate it. We need to keep making those escape tunnels.