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A strange little being that lives in the moss and speaks to trees.

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Sat 4th Mar 2023 08:00

"Ranger"s journal, written with help from whoever will help them

by "Ranger"

Sooo, the festival happened. It went about as expected. After a few hours of festival fun and talking to people we were all called to an opening meeting. It all seemed fine, intil that owl man (Kiko??Ciko??) ran up on stage. He said he had gotten a letter, saying the queen of Virkhagen was dead. Whoever wrote the letter said Hans was only the start... or something like that, I was not really paying attention at that point. People started to panic and murmer. A few of us went back to check on Aremore.
The tree is gone. Or stump, I guess. It was regrowing, I know it. But now its gone. We don't now how, or why. It must have happended around the time when the queen was murdered.
When it dissapered it took its protective magic with it. Things have been deficult ever since.
Fuyku got hurt. I dont know how. I may have acciedently accused the owl man of murder. I was a mess at the time, I wasnt thinking of my words or how I say them.
Zky came by one day, he was very sick. I though it was the potions at first. But a few days later, Leaf (the little moth from the Alley) came by. He had Zkys journal with him. It said that Zky had started to misstrust his memory. After a short scavenger hunt we had the other parts of the journal. Exept for one page. In it Zky wrote about his visions, and talking to ghosts. It said that the grim ripper had talked to him, and showed him a vision of the future, where a black fungus plauge was released on humanity by the royals. Zky is different now. He is shorter, and can make you go blind, and move really fast and suddenly appear behind you. And he is set on preventing the plauge by hunting down and killing the royals, as well as Witch Dancer. He wont say why The dancer. He just said that Dancer would stand in the way. So thats bad.
He's not the only one that has been effected since the loss of the tree. Aeleos have too.
A few weeks ago I found a letter in his home. It was adressed to Ramsworth. They apperently knew eachother before Ram forgot everything, they were somewhat family I think. I tried to gentely get him to tell Ram, but he was afraid.
Well Rams found out, and he got mad. Very mad. Goose was there. I don't know exactly what happened, but Aeleos got hurt, very hurt. Goose said he though Rams had killed him. They didnt tell me at first, we thought we had another skinwalker on the lose again. Apparently Aeleos had stormed into the alley tower and threatend Dancer and said he had ruined his life. I think he had been spiraling for a while, the insident with Rams just pushed him of the edge. I ran around for hours trying to find Aeleos. When I finally found him, he was putting on a set of armor that Rampart gave him. He said he wants to get rid of the people who ruined his life. He acted on that as well, at Sallys Housewarming. He bursed in, and at somepoint cornerd Leaf, Sally and Goose. He wants information from them, and is willing to threaten and maybe kill to get it. They made a deal, safety for information. When I found him, he told me he was worried that Witch Dancer and his secret club thing "the vex" might have sinister plans. He is very secretive, he says he doesnt want to put me in danger. Rakker has been talking to him. Rakker worries to, he thinks Witch Dancer might try to bring back the end. I want to help him, but at the same time, I realize this is dangerous. There are very few things I woudnt do or sacrifice to get my home back. Also while I was running around trying to find Aoleos I met Alice. I asked her if she new where he was. She knew, she lied to me. I was so upset at the time. I struggle to remember most of that day though. I had some, a lot, of vine. At some point, I don't know how, I knocked her out. It wasnt ment to hurt her. Sometimes I forget how different city people are. When I was small my mom would sometimes bite my ears to get me to listen. And it didn't really hurt, not seriously, but it made you stop and listen up. City people are not so hardy, and they don't just fight it out when they need to work something through. I never ment for her to actually be hurt.
Rakker got mad when he found out. He tried to hide it but I could tell. I hated it. I have never really feared him before. But the death of the tree has been tearing at him too.
Its all so much.

Ive been struggling lately, with my dudy here, if I'm doing it right.
I was never suppose to get this close, to the town and the people. Sometimes I wonder if it was for their sake or mine, considering lately I seem to make eveything worse when I try to help.
Aoleas said something like that too, he questioned if it was really my duty to intervene when the rest of the forest isn't effected. I don't intervene when a fox kills a rabbit. Sometimes I even help. But now I'm so involved.
I.. I dont know.
Aoloes was one of the few people still around that remeber Aremore before the fires. Now I wonder if the Aoleos I knew has been dead for a long time. With the tree and its magic gone, the memory of Aremore, all that we are, the sprit of my home, is fading from the very soil. It no longer whisper in the wind through the trees. It no longer dances on fields on foggy nights.
My parents would know what to do. I use to feel them. I'd feel my mom whenever I climbed a difficult mountain, or jumped across a river, when I hunted, and most of all when I would watch the sun rise from the stump of the old tree.. My mother is adventure, she is in the feeling of strenght, magic and mystery. Id feel my father while eating with people I trust, while decorating the shelfs upove my bed, when warming myself under a soft blancket. My father is in the feeling of home, safety, warmth.
Lately I have not really felt strong or safe. They are not with me here, I fear whatever took the tree took them with it.
I wasnt suppose to be alone yet. They had so much more to teach me about our duty. They were suppose to be with me untill I was ready to take it on.
I don't know if I can do it alone. We already failed the forest, when Aremore burnt the first time. And now everything I do seem to repeat the process.
Maybe I need to move away, get some distance, maybe I was never ment to live in the city in the first place.
Maybe Aremore was already doomed the first time we failed it, and all of this is just throwing fuel on the fire.

The major events and journals in "Ranger"'s history, from the beginning to today.

Rangers diary (now written with less help from Rakker)

A lot of things have happened. We had a town meeting, and talked about the future of Aremore. There was many big words and I didn’t understand som of it. But we did decide to build up the sanctuary. Rakker was worried that some of the people from h...

05:09 pm - 12.02.2023

"Ranger"s diary (written with the help of Rakker)

People have started to show up in the festival area. As well as buildings. I worry what will happen to the buildings when the festival is over and the people return home. Will we wrip them down? Will they just stand empty? I dont like either option, empt...

06:39 pm - 25.01.2023

"Ranger"s diary (written with the help of Rakker)

I've been told I might wanna keep a diary, to keep track of my thoughts and remember people. I'm still struggling with the writing, so Rakker is helping me. Anyway. I'm not sure where to start. I feel like far to much has happend in the last few year...

12:39 pm - 25.01.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of "Ranger".

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Other Characters by OttisO