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Sun 12th Feb 2023 05:09

Rangers diary (now written with less help from Rakker)

by "Ranger"

A lot of things have happened.
We had a town meeting, and talked about the future of Aremore. There was many big words and I didn’t understand som of it. But we did decide to build up the sanctuary.
Rakker was worried that some of the people from his past might try to start a fight on the festival. He planned to travel to virkhagen, completely alone, to talk to them. He told me not to come with him, barely let me send Ram or Blim with him. I hated him for putting someone i love in danger like that. He refused to listen to me so there was no point arguing with him. Screaming at a mountain will give you nothing but echos. So I went around, called for help for whoever could hear. And people did hear, more then i ever thought.
Tensions have been rising. The dancing witch and his tower asked me the other day. He talks about the Allay, and about the other nations. I do not care for his grand scheming, but if the allay can help me protect the woods then it might be worth a try.
We lost Willow. I still don’t know how it happened. I don’t want to ask, people are upset still. Most Alice, they were close.
Fyuko has been acting strange lately, she shares her body with someone else. They are called Phoenix. I haven’t met them, but they scared Alice.
I think Fyuko is scared too, she left one day, without a word, she left Alice a note, Alice can’t read. When she realized Fyuko was gone she panicked and left to live with Moore in Ephyre.
Fyuko came back, a few days later, and looked for her. I got mad, and yelled. I shouldn’t have, but I it hurts me that Alice didn’t get to say goodbye. Fyuko realized too. She didn’t know how much hurt she would do. So we set of to Ephry to apologize. It was an impulse decision and i still can’t really believe i went. There is so much outside of aremore. The houses in Ephyry are big like mountains and colored like sunsets. You can get lost in them like caves and you can’t see the horizon from in there. It feels like being in a jar must feel like.
We found Alice finally, though she didn’t seem to want to talk. Fyuko could barely talk either. But she apologized. Alice still seemed stressed, about willow and Fyuko and the rush family and everything. We tried to talk her thought it. It didn’t work.
After she left Fyuko cried. I have never seen her cry before, i though she was melting at first.
There is a flower moth there to help her at least.
About rush.
I went into his tower. Found a letter. Form Rams dad. It mentioned his brother as well. I asked him about it. He told me he use to be close with his brother. That they were his second family. He is afraid to show Ram the letter, he thinks Ram will be mad, or leave. I promised to ask Ram. If he rather learn something unpleasant or stay here with his family and not knowing. He said he didn’t know, but that he would be mad if someone kept things from him.
When Fyuko came back she also brought with him an owl man. He said he spoke for virkhagen and someone named Freya. He wanted to talk to Rakker. I thought this would worry me more, but he seemed pretty weak. Rakker could handle him if he needed to. I listen to them speak. They talked about Elias. The scientist for Hans who dancer talked about. Owl man doesn’t know where he is either. But they want to find him. Owl thinks that he figured out how to close the end. And maybe he could open it again.
Dancer talked to me later about him. He called Elias a doctor, even though he doesn’t help people. He talked about being in a cage, and reading his papers, and they said he was a doctor.
At least this all meant Rakker doesn’t need to go to Virkhagen. Good. He hasn’t been sleeping and he punched a wall so hard he hurt his hand. He thinks he needs to take care of everything himself.
I asked him to teach me to fight, i want to be ready for the festival in case something happens. I am not very good at fighting, but I’m fast and can bite. It took a while but i got in one good hit. Actually Rakker seemed pretty hurt, I’m afraid i opened up his old wound.
He apparently has a brother. In epheyiry.