Xodarap Paradox by Evangeline | World Anvil

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Thu 30th Nov 2023 04:21

Xodarap Paradox

by Evangeline Calyrion

ive felt like i've been in a daze for the past day or so. cant really remember what we did or who we talked. Sometimes that happens, sometimes i just need to embrace the continuous waking nightmare that festers into the back of my head in order for it to be placated. its always so so lonely when i do that. nothing can reach me, im just adrift in an endless abyss of agony and misery. But its okay, I came out of it!!!!! I came back to myself in an interesting situation, apparently Deimos and I had gotten yanked by some sort of shadow demon or something. idk why we were hunting a shadow demon, but everyone else seemed on board so I just sort of went with it :))). Anyway took a while for us to escape. Brave, sweet little Carrion helped us out. im so so proud of him. Deimos got his ass kicked by some rats LOL
I wish he didnt hate my very existence. He talks so much about having a pure soul, but I wonder about that.... After the fall from grace, after dozens and dozens of lifetimes of pain and suffering, how is it possible that is soul is still perfectly intact?? it just doesnt make sense. Yeah maybe theyre not shattered into a bajillion pieces, but i bet there are cracks. He's too emo to NOT have something wrong with his soul. maybe i should think on this more. i dont know, i've wanted to talk to my soul shards or whatever the voices are, but theyve been so quiet. i miss them ):
anyway we killed that shadow demon and stopped some demon called paradox from escaping, through the power of teamwork and friendship ::))))))))))))) ummmmm what else happened. oh there was this like gnome girl??? she wants our money, i say we kill her but people liked her. oh i went unconscious during the fight, but its really hard for me to die so :) :P we're going to a brothel now and then on to Pentaraeeeeeeeeee. i better get my materials back. ill fucking kill that guy.
ok bye lol

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