Friendship :))) by Evangeline | World Anvil

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20th of Ardorus, 774

Friendship :)))

by Evangeline Calyrion

HEHEHEHEHEHEHEH I have friends!!!!!!!!! :)))))))))))))))))))))))))) What a truly amazing night it was!!!!!!11!! Ryvec and Cass, dear friends in a realm of uncertainty, spoke words of camaraderie and friendship that warmed my heart. THEY WILL LEAVE YOU, THEY WILL HURT YOU. IT IS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME. DONT TRUST THEM, CUT THEM FROM YOU BEFORE THEY CAN CUT YOU. Maybe I should make friendship bracelets for us!!!!!1 Though I guess the cage on our wrist is like a friendship bracelet :DDDDDD hehehehehehe This is the first time someone has said I am their friend. THEIR TONES CONVEYED APPREHENSION, THEY FEAR WHAT YOU ARE, HATE YOUR VERY NATURE. YOU ARE AN ABOMINATION THEY MUST DESTROY. Maybe if the rest of the group sees that we're friends, the others will like me too!!!!!!!!111!!!@ :)))))))))))))))
Cass is very wise. I was so confused why they cared so much about Arhtist, but they explained that it's normal to care for even lesser beings when they die!!!!!!!!!! Very cool to learn about, apparently compassion can extend even to strangers!!!!!11!! DOES A MAN WEEP FOR THE GRASS THAT THEY HAVE TREAD UPON? WHY SHOULD A GREATER BEING CARE FOR THE LIVES OF THE EXPENDABLE. DOES THE APPLE ON THE TREE CRY WHEN ITS NEIGHBOR IS PICKED?? WHY SHOULD A LESSER BEING MOURN ANOTHER FATES WHEN THEY WILL FACE THE SAME SOON ENOUGH. It reminded me of when I held Carrion as he died. I felt a pain that I don't know if I've ever experienced before......,,. maybe I have, before is just so fuzzy. But now I have my little psychopomp :))))))))00). He's my real best friend!!!!!!11!!@@!@#!!!!!q
We made it to that town. We have no money, so we all split up and went to find odd jobs :))DDDD)))D)DDD). I Went with my good friends Armen and Zurek :D :) :D) (: they haven't said that I'm their friend, bUT maybe sooN!!!!!!!!!!! Armen has some issues!!!! I wonder if dad experimented on him lololololol. he says he didn't ! I wonder why ?!?! He has some funky magic......,. HIS BLOOD MUST BE SPILLED, HE WILL DESTROY YOU. Zurek is so nice and talented. I hope he likes me some!!!!!1!! KILL THE WEAKLING.
We met a handler for the Eclipse!!!!!!!!!!!!!7 They were cool I guess. people got mad that Iw asnt sneaky but they didnt tell me to be~!!!~!! we got to sit around the fire and talk :) ;D BURN THEM BURN THEM BURN THEM BURN THEM BURN THEM BURN THEM BURN THEM. they felt my heart beat!!!!!!!!!1!!~ They also know my real age hehehehehehehehehehehehe maybe this year I'll get a birthday cake :D
Deimos >:(((((((((((( he wants me destroyed :'(((( i still have pieces of my soul so thats not cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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